Chapter 93- There Arista Goes

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Inspirational quote: Why try to fit in when you were born to stand out?


Arista's clone could not believe what she had just heard.

She wouldn't.

It was almost way too surreal for her to do so.

"You just booby trapped my father?" She repeated, staring at Martinez who was now visible via the CCTV camera located at the top of the door.

Martinez smiled impishly, not looking at Arista's clone once and not taking his feet off of his table either.

"Yes I did. Why? You have a problem?" He asked her, staring at her and then smirking.

Arista's clone just shot him a dirty look, which Martinez saw however decided to ignore because he was enjoying this too much.

And by "enjoying this", he meant that he was happy that those working for KOZAHKISTAN HEADQUARTERS were all currently suffering.

"Why would you do that, you imbecile?" Arista's clone screeched at him through the microphone, where Martinez just blew a bubblegum and then laughed at her.

"Because I've got to stick to the sign, stupid," he answered. "Don't you realise that my mother is Dr Kozak's arch nemesis ? We aren't friends, silly!"

Arista's clone rolled her eyes in disbelief as she watched Martinez fake smile at her, blowing some more bubblegum.

"You should at least be grateful, Arista. At least I didn't booby trap you, did I? So stop being a massive idiot, sort your life together and stop complaining."

Arista had had enough. Just because Martinez was older than her by just over half a decade now did not necessarily mean that she was going to treat him with respect.

"You know what? I'm fed up of you. I'm going in whether you like it or not."

"Funny little thing isn't it? Because that was exactly the same thing that your father said to me before I booby trapped him. Do you want me to do the same thing to you, Arista?" Martinez asked her, staring at her evilly.

Arista's clone didn't say anything. She was thinking of how to get inside DIE ANNA INCORPORATED without possibly being booby trapped along the way.

"This isn't over, Martinez!" She screamed at him, banging open the door by kicking it.

It took Martinez a while to realise what she was doing, because he was on his phone texting his sister Cynthia Rose, and once he found out what she was doing, he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"What are you doing to my mother's door? She's going to kill me if she finds out what you're doing!"

"You know... Maybe you deserve to be killed, Martinez!" Arista remarked back, still trying to get inside DIE ANNA INCORPORATED by kicking open the door.

Strangest thing was... It was actually working! Arista's clone was halfway through getting through the door.

Martinez had tried to booby trap her but for some reason it wasn't working, which Martinez wasn't sure on why. Arista's clone didn't even realise this at all.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now