Chapter 20- Winding Kieran Up

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Inspirational quote: God knows you're worth it. So always listen to God, because he is always right.


Kieran couldn't take this anymore.
He had had enough.
He had physically and mentally had enough.

If his dad didn't believe him on Katherine being a serial killer then that was fine. He just couldn't blame Kieran when he died.

Kieran's morning was off to a rather terrible start. Although it became better afterwards.

His "alarm" for the day was his stepmother banging on the doorstep, with some sort of knife in her hand, claiming that she was making a sandwich, but Kieran thought otherwise.

"Kieran!" She hollered out loud, then thought to herself 'the person I'm about to kill'. "Your alarm went off an hour ago! You're going to be late for school."

Kieran had heard that immediately, so because of that, he got up, arranged his bed, and screamed.

"Oh crud!" He screeched. "Crud crud crud crud crud! If I'm late one more time then I'll get a detention."

He quickly undressed in his mini private toilet, Katherine still there  watching him, albeit as soon as he was about to head for the real bathroom, Katherine put her hand in front of the door, blocking Kieran's way.

"Oh and Kieran?" She trailed off dramatically. "You're welcome."

Kieran seemed confused, but was mainly alerted.

"For what?" He wheezed, yawning in the process, raising an eyebrow at her.

Katherine didn't reply, just flashed another enigmatic smile at Kieran before moving on.

"I deliberately made your alarm late."

Kieran was annoyed. He slammed his table, making all of the objects in there jump up and vibrate.

"What? Why?"

But once again. Katherine didn't reply. She just winked at him and blew him a poisonous motherly kiss, and then, well... She was off.

It had also turned out that Kieran was sort of in a rush for nothing.

Here he was, quickly taking his shower like his life depended on it, and eating his breakfast quicker than the speed of light as well.

His father had noticed his unorthodox actions, so he thought that it would have been peculiar of him not to ask Kieran why he was rushing everything he seemed to be doing.

"Kieran why are you eating your cereal so quickly?" He plundered.

"No time dad," Kieran replied hastily through a mouthful of cereal.

He kept on swiftly eating it, making his stepfather internally cross with Kieran because he was making such a gargantuan mess over, what seemed like it, nothing.

Actually, Kieran's life sort of did depend on eating fast after all because if he was late one more time, like he said, he would have served an after school detention.

It was also the last day of school before the March half term, which Kieran found ironic on why someone would host a detention on the last day, but then again Kieran didn't really like to question.

"I've got to go now dad," Kieran exclaimed, packing his bag as well as making a run for it out of the house.

"But Kieran it's only-"

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now