Chapter 49- Kozak Gone Evil [2]

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Inspirational quote: I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.


Okay so maybe I shouldn't have killed her after all. She was my long lost daughter. It feels weird murdering a relative. She was the first ever relative I had ever killed in my life.

Actually no. I'm glad I killed her actually. She was as annoying as hell.

Thoughts like this kept on filling Dr Kozak's mind as he stared at Lauriel's now deceased body on the floor for a long time, blood still leaking out of her.

He couldn't believe he had just killed her.

He then looked at the gun on the floor he used to kill her with, picking it up cautiously and shot her again even though she was already dead.

After killing her the second time, Dr Kozak threw the gun in the air, making it flip around a lot before he caught it.

Dr Kozak then kind of held the gun, like he was about to kill someone again but he didn't, blowing the gun and then unexpectedly kissing it.

"Whoopsies. Guess I must have just let go of my gun trigger by mistake." He muttered to himself quietly, still staring at Lauriel's deceased body in fascination, before throwing the gun away because it had ran out of bullets anyway.

He could've just bought some new bullets but he really didn't have time for that.

He had barely even made it ten steps before he stopped as Kieran was casually walking back, not clueless on what had just happened.

"What just happened?" Kieran echoed, making the whole place vibrate. Dr Kozak just stared at him, moving his eyes up and down along Kieran's face but didn't move or speak whatsoever.

"Oh hey Kieran. Didn't see ya there. You seriously don't wanna be here kid." Dr Kozak tried moving forwards except he couldn't because Kieran was blocking his pathway again making Kozak seem kind of aggravated.

He wasn't completely aggravated as his annoyance died down after he had killed Lauriel. Guess one could've said that killing her was Dr Kozak's safety valve, as in he murdered her as a result of his anger & frustration towards her.

"I heard everything that had happened... Just didn't see anything. What have you done?"

Again, Dr Kozak didn't respond. He couldn't tell anyone he had just vindictively killed Lauriel.

He only mentioned the words 'something you don't need to know' very quietly and softly for Kieran not to hear.

Kieran could tell something was up. He could feel it in his body, blood even. Dr Kozak in the meantime was looking at Kieran in annoyance.

"Hmmmm..." Kieran trailed off, trying to read Dr Kozak's mind. "If I didn't know any better sir, I think you're hiding something."

Dr Kozak just rolled his eyes before making some crazy hand gestures in which were yet to exist.

"Me? 'Hiding something'? Pfft... Why on earth would you think that, Kieran?" He answered still making some crazy hand gestures in the process as he said so as well.

"You're blushing, Dr Kozak," Kieran told him, almost frowning at him. "So you must have been up to something."

Dr Kozak stopped what he was doing mainly because he was reading Kieran's mind.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now