Chapter 127- Sorry Doesn't Push It, Kieran

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New chapter added as I deleted the previous chapters thinking I didn't need them but I did. Hence why the read count is so low compared to everything else.


"Can me and you please talk outside for a minute?"

The person that was squeezing Dr Kozak's hand was squeezing it really tightly, much to Dr Kozak's irritation. He tried escaping his hand from the person, however it had kinda backfired completely.

Dr Kozak then turned around really really slowly, to see the person who was tugging at his right hand.

And when he saw the person, he pretty much frowned at then.


Kieran didn't say anything.

"Why are you talking to me?" Dr Kozak hissed really aggravatingly, a very hostile tone to his voice.
Kieran was about to open his mouth however Dr Kozak raised his index finger before Kieran really had a chance to say anything.

"You know what kid. Zip it. I really don't want to know."

Kieran was annoyed. Mainly at Dr Kozak however mainly at himself for another reason.

"Dr Kozak. Please."

Dr Kozak: I swear we made an oath to each other that we'd not speak to each other again for a long long time.

Kieran frowned and then sighed in frustration.

Kieran: *solemnly and sulkily* Yeah. We did.

Dr Kozak: *practically shouting at Kieran* Then why the hell have you broken the oath?

Dr Kozak was mad at Kieran, Kieran could tell. Although as soon as he had yelled that, pretty much everyone in the room had had their eyes on them, completely falling silent.

Kieran: Look. I know I've upset you...

Dr Kozak: *is shouting* If you know you've upset me then why would you go and upset me anyway?

Kieran didn't reply.

He was deeply contemplating it. Dr Kozak had upset him the first time, mainly because he had been focusing more on Maria Grace and Esperanza rather than Kieran.

Now Kieran had upset Dr Kozak, but soon he realised that he had taken it way to far- he killed Dr Kozak's niece, Kieran made Dr Kozak suicidal and he had pretty much been crying non stop because of Kieran.

Kieran: People are staring.

Dr Kozak: *annoyed* So what? What's your point? I'm annoyed at you, get over it.

Kieran really didn't know how to go about with this anymore. Soon he found out that he was completely lost for words.

Dr Kozak sighed, he was clearly way too mad at Kieran for what he did, taking a deep breath before saying anything else.

Dr Kozak: *more calm although less calm on the inside* I'm not going to lie, kid... you were the person that I was trying to avoid talking to the most today.

Kieran: And I understand that. I really do. Just heard me out though. Please. This is important, Dr Kozak.

Dr Kozak just stared at Kieran, Kieran doing the same thing. Dr Kozak was just about to open his mouth albeit stopped when Maria Grace's brother entered the scene.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now