Chapter 103- The Point Of No Return

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Inspirational quote: Real people are never perfect and perfect people are never real.


Well, Dr Kozak was supposed to die but he didn't actually die. Nobody knew this of course, for everybody in the room thought that he was actually dead.

Arista's clone had watched Victor and Alastair pretty much throw her father across the room, so she couldn't really help but to aggravatingly scream at them.

"You. Killed. My. Father?" Arista's clone had cried helplessly, with a really exasperating look on her face. She was mainly talking to Alastair however Victor had replied for her.

"Arista. He's not dead."

Arista's clone seemed really unconvinced at the moment. She came up closer to Alastair's face, screaming at him and stepping on his feet.

"And how the hell am I supposed to believe you?"

Alastair had had enough. He came up closer to her, strangling her and placing a hand around her mouth, squeezing it so that she couldn't talk.

"Listen, idiot," he started. "Your father is not dead. Although you will be dead in a minute if you don't stop winding me up!"

And as Alastair had yelled the phrase winding me up, he pointed a yellow gun to Arista's clone's head.

Kieran and Esperanza were watching everything happen, hiding behind the trophy cupboard.

"Esperanza..." Kieran whispered, continuously tapping her. "Esperanza. Look. Arista needs help."

Esperanza and Kieran basically watched it as Alastair was about to kill Arista's clone, both of them still not really doing anything.

Anastasia didn't reply straight away. She was mainly staring at Dr Kozak, who was still somehow alive however he was just lying there, unconscious, with blood all over his body.

She was about to say something but then changed her mind once Kieran had beaten her to it.

"Esperanza... Oh my god, Esperanza !"

"What?" She demanded back, slightly staring at Kieran spitefully.

"We've only got a minute left to get that trophy. I'm not joking. Otherwise we fail this mission. And Dr Kozak said you die if you don't ace the mission."

Esperanza screamed immediately, before replying.

"Okay. You get Kozak, I help Arista."

Kieran nodded as both him and Esperanza slyly headed out of behind the cupboard. Neither of them had barely even made a step before they both heard a gunshot sound going on in the background.

Kieran and Esperanza gasped once they realised what had happened.

Alastair had killed Arista's clone, and she was dead.

"You just murdered Arista!" Kieran and Esperanza shouted, looking at Alastair quite angrily.

"Yes..." He agreed, smiling complacently to himself, before pointing the gun at both of them. "You guys are up next."

He was about to shoot them but then Victor stepped in front of him, just standing there casually and nonchalantly.

"If you want to get Diana's trophy then you'll have to go through me first," he ordered.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now