Chapter 116- You've Just Gotten Yourself Into So Much Trouble, Kieran

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Inspirational quote: Success is moving from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.


Esperanza was fed up by now, completely.

She had tried getting Kieran to talk to her but that had kind of backfired by far, and she was becoming really annoyed as Kieran was walking around the room with his hands in his ears pretending that he couldn't hear Esperanza.

"For goodness sake, Kieran!" Esperanza screeched. "How many times must I say that we need to talk?!"

Talking to Kieran with his hands in his ears was getting Esperanza nowhere. She soon became really infuriated but had ever so slightly calmed down when she had heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it!" Esperanza shouted, not bothered enough to find out who it was by just checking the CCTV camera in front of Dr Kozak's laboratory door.

"Ezekiel!" Ezekiel hollered back, banging on the door continuously.

"Oh hey. Come inside," Esperanza ushered.

And hearing that, Agent Ezekiel entered the laboratory, leaning back on the door before closing it.

Esperanza: Did you talk to Dr Kozak?

Ezekiel: *walking more inside the room and sits on a pink high chair* Yeah. Well... Kind of.

Esperanza: *confused* "Kind of"? The hell do you mean by that?

Ezekiel: Yeah. His sister Elizabeth came halfway and wanted to talk to her brother alone.

Esperanza didn't reply.

Ezekiel: Anyway have you tried talking to Kieran? It's been like ten minutes now.

Esperanza didn't say anything again. In fact she was rather angry that Ezekiel had asked her that question.

Esperanza: *looks at Kieran intently* Well, what do you think?

Ezekiel and Esperanza then watched Kieran walk around the room with his hands in his ears pretending that nothing and no one existed.

Kieran: *is talking quite fast* There's no one here, there's nothing here, I can't hear anything.... *constantly repeats these phrases in that order as he continuously walks around in circles*

Ezekiel: You've got to be kidding me.

Esperanza: Can you try and at least get Kieran to talk to us?

Ezekiel: *gets up from the high chair and then turns to face Esperanza* Stay here, Esperanza. I've got an idea.

Esperanza: What is it?

Ezekiel: Just stay here.

Esperanza then silently watched Ezekiel stand up from where he was, not saying anything all the way.

As Kieran was walking, that was when Ezekiel decided that it would have been a good idea to trip Kieran up, and that was pretty much what had happened next.

Kieran: *has fallen over Ezekiel's left foot, Ezekiel is smiling* Hey! What was that for? You just tripped me up!

Ezekiel: Maybe you deserved to have me trip you up, Kieran.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now