Chapter 14- Don't Do It, Clyde

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Inspirational quote: Be yourself. Why? Because everybody else is already taken.


"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Kieran, wait!" Clyde echoed back, chasing after him.

But Kieran meant it this time, he was a hundred percent never speaking to Clyde or Vanessa again.

"Why aren't you speaking to me? I understand Vanessa but... Why me?"

Kieran didn't respond, before turning, then looking at Clyde, walking backwards simultaneously.

"Because I've had it with your secrets!" Kieran complained. "I bet you've got like twenty of them that you don't want to tell me. What happened to trusting me, Clyde? I tell you everything."

Clyde didn't respond, and couldn't, Kieran was far from earshot now.

Sort of enraged at himself at the moment, Clyde stormed back into his classroom, about to take a seat until Justin accidentally on purpose bumped into him.

"Hello, step cousin Clyde," Justin sneered, coming up even closer to him. "Oh and were you born on a highway? Because that's where most accidents happen."

The whole class was fully surrounding them by now and Clyde could feel his face boil due to how ballistic he was.

Oohs and aahs proceeded straight afterwards. Majority of people were looking hopelessly at Clyde wondering what he was going to say next, however Clyde just stood there, feeling defeated, feeling powerless.

Without Kieran, he felt like nothing.

Justin stepped on him, then almost face slammed his face on the desk; people were laughing everywhere though Clyde didn't do anything.

Why he was being like this?
Nobody knew. He was just mad at himself for getting Kieran to hate him, once again.

"Did you bring a plate Clyde?" Justin questioned, gazing at Clyde quizzically. "Because you just got served."

More oohing and aahing.
Clyde had had enough.

He wanted to fight back albeit usually when that happened, he was the one that got the trouble or blame when it really wasn't even his fault in the first place.

"Hey. Just realised," Justin retorted. "Where's your idiotic mate Kieran?"

That one Clyde knew how to reply to.
"He's not my friend anymore."

He was supposed to say this as a whisper, although it came out as a muffling voice.

"I'm sorry what was that, mouse?" Justin exclaimed, putting his ear way up to Clyde's face, much to Clyde's irritation.

Clyde wasn't going to let his step cousin do this to him. So as a result of that, he back handed Justin, then stepped on him back just like he did last time.

Oohs and aahs? Not so much.

But there were a few clapping sounds as well as laughing, which was targeted at Justin this time and not the other way around like earlier.

Justin and Clyde were arguing for about a straight up five minutes.

In the end, it was Clyde that was hurt the most, and the conversation ended when Vanessa stormed into the room, and she must have heard or watched everything that had happened because she was screaming at Justin telling him to back off away from Clyde.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now