Chapter 17- Just Leave Kieran Alone, For God Sake!

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Inspirational quote: When I count blessings, I always remember to count you guys more than once.


Kieran was annoyed.
In fact, way beyond annoyed.



Because of Lauriel. She kept on lying to say stuff to Mrs Skinner against him, and when he told Mrs Skinner the truth, she wouldn't believe him.

Kieran hated it when someone was lying about something and they got away with it, yet there he was, telling the truth, and he got in trouble for it.

Was this even reasonable?
No, it really wasn't.

Worst of all, Justin was getting on his last nerves again. Obviously.

Mrs Skinner insisted that she had to leave the classroom to attend a meeting, so the class had to be on their "best behaviour" until she got back.

Kieran's best behaviour must have been way different from Justin's, because as he was working, that was when Justin decided that now was the perfect time to come and distract or disturb him.

He had also managed to miraculously escape going to the headteacher's office, which was at least half decent, although that never meant Kieran felt any better, because he didn't.

"Well, well, well, look who it is. Kieran. The Idiot. Harper."

Kieran's 'Highly Freaking Irritated' mood immediately became 'About to Kill Someone Today' as he kept on writing.

Justin snatched Kieran's pen away from him when Kieran wasn't looking, and broke it.

"Guess you won't be using anything to write anymore, will you?"

Kieran couldn't take this anymore.
He was internally livid.

He was about to stand up and leave the classroom, that was until the whole group of Justin's "friends", who he probably paid to be hostile to people as well, came up to Kieran, surrounding him.

There was no escape this time round.
One of them poured water on Kieran's hair.

And as if that wasn't tormenting enough, another one of them threw something fragile at Kieran's face, making him fall backwards on his chair and land on the floor, still miraculously alive, somehow.

Kieran got back up again, not feeling powerless, because that wasn't what he was.

He was about to throw something back at them, that was when someone beat Kieran to it, and Kieran couldn't feel his face anymore.

The person threw a dictionary at him, and soon after, they all found themselves laughing.

"You are so terrible at this," someone sneered at Kieran.

Kieran was a hundred percent sure that it was Justin, but when he looked up, he was almost clearly mistaken.

"I swear, Justin," Kieran told him. He had said this before he looked up though. And when he did, he felt like fainting.


Clyde whacked an apple at Kieran, and soon after, all of them started doing the same thing but with different fruits.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now