Chapter 47- The Knife That Killed Me

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Inspirational quote: Always say yes to new adventures.


Dr Kozak had just entered the exam room, trying to take Kieran's  test away from him despite the fact that Kieran was practically sleeping on it.

"Kieran...." He grunted, trying to at least get hold of his test without potentially ripping it into two.

"Kieran..." Dr Kozak tapped him continuously. "Kieran, you okay.."

He kept on tapping him, which was when Kieran didn't reply at all.

"Don't tell me you've fake died again or fallen into another coma, kid..."

He kept on tapping Kieran, where Kieran woke up and practically yelled in his face, which was when Dr Kozak accidentally on purpose threw water at him.

"Uptown Funk you up!"

Dr Kozak was confused. He knew the song, although he just didn't know why the heck Kieran would have just said that right now.

"Uptown funk me up?" He looked at Kieran in absolute bewilderment for a very long time, raising an eyebrow at him. "Kieran are you feeling okay?"

He kept on placing his hand on Kieran to check his temperature like he did Lauriel.

"You don't need medical treatment or something? Have you secretly gone back in time to see Bruno Mars?"

Kieran then rubbed his eyes frantically, then stopped to see Dr Kozak there again.

"What? Dr Kozak? What are you doing here?"

Boy had Dr Kozak heard those words millions of times before. It was like no one had ever wanted him anywhere anymore.

"Test's over, kid," Kozak told him, tapping on his table gently. "That's why I'm here. Duh. Use your brain."

And at having hearing that, Kieran stopped to look at his test, frowned and then screamed.

"Crud! I didn't finish the test."

Dr Kozak seemed kind of aggravated by now but tried very hard not to let it show.

Well, except the frown. The frown practically gave everything away.

"Seriously? And you had extra time because of your dyslexia? You're kidding me, Kieran. Please tell me you're joking about this."

"I'm not. I just got to question 198 before  you came. There are only three questions left. I must have fallen asleep or something."

Kieran was writing for a while, scribbling mainly, Dr Kozak watching him jealously because his handwriting was so freaking neat but then Dr Kozak unexpectedly drummed his fingers on the table.

"Kieran," he whispered, Kieran didn't hear him though. "Kieran, listen."

And so Kieran did, and he looked up and dropped his pen to see Dr Kozak staring at him, not taking his eyes off of Kieran's.

Dr Kozak then looked at the test again, then at Kieran.

"Look.. I'm not really supposed to be doing this...."

Kieran didn't reply, just patiently waited for Dr Kozak to finish his sentence.

"....but I'm going to tell you the last answers to the test. That one there is seventeen," he pointed to question 198, Kieran scribbling it down.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now