Chapter 24- Lauriel Runs Away

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Inspirational quote: You never fail until you stop trying. So never stop trying.


Lauriel genuinely wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Please?" She wailed. "Please let me go?"

"No!" Were her mother and her father's cacophonous yell back. Lauriel slammed the door irritably, thinking, seriously thinking that maybe she did have the worst parents in the world.

"Screw you guys. I hate both of you; and I wish that neither of you were alive," she cursed, swearing under her breath.

She probably shouldn't have said that. Why?

Her parents had grounded her until July.

"....and I don't want to see you sneaking out ever again, until further notice!" Her mother rasped, literally kicking Lauriel to her room.

Lauriel was supposed to go there, but she didn't.

Instead, she just stood on the second step of the stairs, badmouthing her parents to a level so extreme that her parents didn't even know what half of the words Lauriel had said meant.

"I hate you guys! All of you, you've always treated me badly, since we moved houses. No, since I was born actually. I knew you guys never liked me."

Her mother and father were supposed to feel remorse for her but they didn't, they just seemed to become even more agitated than last time.

"You guys are the worst.... Literally. Ever since I was in year seven, you guys have been torturing me non stop. How? Well, say there was a test. and I had to revise for it. Mum, you'd always say my revision methods were wrong, and that I should try your ways. So I did, and because of you I failed the test. You gave me a black eye which I still have after beating me up with a stick till blood came out of my face after that test, not realising that you were the reason I failed. And dad... Dad.. There's too many flaws about you, dad. You always yell at me because of my imperfections, but what you don't realise is that no one is perfect. I've attempted suicide plenty times because of this family, but you guys don't care enough to notice, because you all hate me."

They were all honestly staring at her now, absolutely dumbfounded.
Though Lauriel didn't seem to have finished her lecture yet.

"...So I guess, this is it," she continued, walking up to the door , opening it, not realising that a wasp just came in. "I'm going. And don't bother trying to get in contact with me. I won't reply. Well, see ya. I'm out of here. Time to live a new life, with people that actually tolerate me. Bye."

She slammed the door and left. Why Aaron was smiling, he didn't know. And why his parents were suddenly feeling sorry after everything, he didn't know either.

His parents weren't the type of people that forgave easily.

"Gotta admit, that speech moved me," his father admitted. "Just kinda wish she told us earlier though."

"She did tell you guys earlier," Aaron argued. "But you guys were too selfish to notice. This house is falling apart because of you guys. I've lost my sister I truly cared about, and now I'm stuck with the other one who I can't really stand. Thanks a lot."

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now