Chapter 102- You Can't Spell "Diana" Without The Word "Die"

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Inspirational quote: Things will get better! Just stop worrying. Everything will be OK. Just be patient. God will give you what you want at his own accustomed time, if it is according to his will and if it won't wreck you.


Arista's clone put a hand to her mouth immediately, realising what she just did.

"Oh my god!" She screeched. "I've never killed anyone before! I feel so so terrible!"

Dr Kozak stood up from where he was, placing an ice pack he so happened to magically find on the floor on his eye.

"Hey, don't be," he soothed, patting his daughter's back. "She deserved it. She was my arch nemesis, Arista."

Arista still felt undoubtedly horrible though... What if she got arrested because of this?

"Am I going to go to hell now because I killed someone for the first time?"

Thoughts like this kept on filling Arista's clone's mind until Dr Kozak got so fed up of reading her mind and her negative thoughts that he rolled his eyes.

"Arista," he told her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Arista. We get it. It was an accident. A good accident, yes, but still an accident nevertheless."

Arista smiled but then frowned again.

"It's just... I've never killed anyone before."

Dr Kozak: And I could say the same thing but obviously that's not true. I kinda have to kill people for a living. *places a hand on each of Arista's shoulders and stares at her non stop in the eyes* Arista. Listen.

Arista didn't listen. She was looking everywhere except at her father's face.

Dr Kozak: Look at me. *uses his hands to turn Arista's face so that she is staring at him back* Diana Valentine was evil. Okay? So killing her was a good thing.

Arista: I still feel bad though.

Dr Kozak was annoyed.

Dr Kozak: Want me to get mad at you?

Arista shook her head vigorously.

Dr Kozak: Then shut up!

Arista didn't listen though. Although as soon as she was about to say something, that was when Diana's kids Cynthia Rose and Martinez rushed into the scene.

"What just happened?" Martinez yelled at both of them. "My sister and I just watched everything live happen through the CCTV cameras."

Neither Dr Kozak or Arista's clone said anything. Dr Kozak just shrugged and shoved a toothpick in his mouth, nearly swallowing and choking on it but didn't.

Dr Kozak: Don't know, Martinez. See for yourself.

And saying that, that was when Cynthia Rose and her brother Martinez entered the room fully, staring at their dead mother.

Cynthia Rose: *to Dr Kozak mainly because she found it highly unlikely that Arista's clone would be the reason for her mother's death* You killed my mother?!

Dr Kozak: *surrenders but then points to his daughter* Arista did it! Not me.

Then Dr Kozak knew that he had to stop talking once he caught his daughter's clone giving him a really maleficent look of death and disgust.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now