Chapter 94- Cynthia Meets Kozak

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Inspirational quote: By being yourself, you're giving something beautiful to the world that was not originally there before. Yourself.


Dr Kozak was locked up in Diana's mysterious yet iridescent basement, cursing to himself about a million times in miscellaneous different languages.

He kept on continuously walking around in circles, thinking of how he could have possibly found his way out, although no matter how hard he tried, nothing had really come to his mind at all.

"God, I'm so lonely in here... I'm scared of the dark, and there's no light switch anywhere.."

Although as soon as Dr Kozak had said that, of course, he found a light switch somewhere behind an antique broom and then switched on the light.

That solved one of his problems. The next one was how the hell was he supposed to get out of Diana's hellish basement?

He was alone for a while, a long while actually, and remained silent, although the silence was broken when he had heard some sort of sound and someone screaming, presumably a girl.


And the dirt is gone.

But not this time.

The dirt just came.

Dr Kozak was a bit petrified at first, because he didn't know who this person was, and so his first assumption was that it was God.

"God... Is that you? Have you come here to collect me to take me to heaven because I seriously feel like I'm in hell right now!"

The person that had fallen didn't reply. Dr Kozak was staring at them intently as they got up, coughed three times and then removed the dust from their pyjamas.

And when Dr Kozak saw who it was, he was half shaken immediately.

"What the heck. Cynthia Rose? Is that you? Kinda looks like you."

Dr Kozak wasn't mad that she was here of course, he just didn't think that she'd be awake.

Cynthia Rose in the meantime got up to her feet once again, after falling down the first time, looking at Dr Kozak in admiration.

"Doctor Kozak!"

There was silence after that as Dr Kozak did not take his eyes off of Cynthia Rose as she came closer to a table with sellotape on it and basically coughed on it.

"Uhm... Hey."

"Is that really you?!" She bellowed really loudly for everyone to hear , where Doctor Kozak just nodded really slowly.

Although he was full on smirking at her, for some reason.

"I've always wanted to meet you in person! This is a dream come true for me!"

Dr Kozak smiled before saying anything else.

"Thanks. And I've kinda always wanted to meet you in person too, I mean, if we're being brutally honest here."

Cynthia Rose just wouldn't stop beaming at him. She came closer to him, but not too close of course, and brought out a chair, sitting down next to Dr Kozak who was standing up.

She also ended up not saying anything until Dr Kozak mentioned something else.

"Oh and ... By the way. Your voice is way deeper than I thought it would be."

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now