Chapter 38- Win, Lose Or Cheat?

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Inspirational quote: Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself to other people. So stop doing it!


Anastasia was happily doing her triumphant dance with Lauriel still lying there half dead, when Dr Kozak came back into the room after waiting for both of them, smiling at Anastasia.

"Well someone's happy," he muttered to her, laughing.

"Dr Kozak, we just survived your so called 'dangerous' obstacle course test!" Anastasia squealed at him, then after that, since she was so happy, she physically had to hug him, and Dr Kozak reluctantly hugged her back.

"That's nice to hear. Although how did you survive? A lot of girls didn't."

Anastasia couldn't tell him that they cheated. She also couldn't tell him that it was her idea to cheat.

So she didn't. She just kept her mouth shut.

"Oh," she replied, turning red, making Dr Kozak suspicious and look at her blankly. "We just, you know, used our spy skills to ace the test."

She also really couldn't mention that Lauriel had murdered one of Dr Kozak's chickens either because she was so desperate and keen to get out of and past section five.

"Nice. But quick question? How are you not dirty?"

Anastasia didn't say anything.

"A magician never reveals her secret," was all she said to him, making Dr Kozak roll his eyes and laugh even more at her.

"Come on. We're all allies here. You can tell me. Also I thought you were working with Lauriel? Where is she?"

Anastasia sluggishly pointed behind her to a deceased looking Lauriel filling out a questionnaire still lying hopelessly on the ground.

"Oh wow. She looks, uhm, horrible. Also, have you lost your voice? You don't sound like you."

"Yeah I did. Also. I have to go."

Anastasia quickly grabbed her bag from the waiting room and headed out of room 30 thousand and something. The actual room number was unknown, but then again, there were too many of them to be fair.

There was over 50 thousand, if not then more.

"Oh okay. Bye."

Dr Kozak stared helplessly at Lauriel, who didn't even know or realise was there. He thought that it would have been a good idea to scare her.

Lauriel in the meantime was filling out the questionnaire the people aged fourteen or younger had to do once they survived the test.

Write your name, second name and surname here, she read to herself in her head, still lying down on the ground but feeling much better now.

Lauriel quickly got out the pen that was attached to the iPad the questionnaire was on and rolled her eyes in disbelief.


Next question.

Second name?

Hmm, stalkers much, Lauriel thought to herself in arrogance, forgetting the fact that Dr Kozak could totally read her mind.

She very rapidly wrote why the hell do you want to know my second name, idiot, before reading it to herself and crossing it out in case someone real had read this.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now