Chapter 42- Spider Mania 2

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Inspirational quote: Character is how you treat those who can do anything for you.


Kieran looked vacantly at Dr Kozak in bewilderment, not believing his ears.

"You," he pointed at Dr Kozak, "want me," Kieran pointed at himself, Dr Kozak still longingly staring at him. "To become a ssssssppp-"

And it remained elongated like that for a long time.

"...A spy, yes," Dr Kozak said to him, almost laughing in the process. "I've got way too many girl spies. I need some male ones once in a while. You in?"

Kieran didn't respond. Was this a set up? Kieran had first met Dr Kozak when he was eight and Dr Kozak was genuinely not this nice at all.

It was amazing what old age could do to you. Despite Dr Kozak currently only being 35, Kieran still thought he looked way older than that.

Kieran was looking at Dr Kozak for a very lengthy amount of time, that Dr Kozak had to pour water at his face to bring him back to reality again.

"What was that for?" He exclaimed for everyone in KOZAHKISTAN HEADQUARTERS to hear.

"You kept staring at me for way too long. I was starting to wonder if you were feeling okay or not. I tried calling your name but it was like you shut down. So throwing water at you was the only option. Sorry."

Kieran rolled his eyes, wiped his wet glasses, put them back on again and changed the subject.

"So you want me to become a spy?" He remembered.

"Yes!" Dr Kozak yelled jubilantly, almost fist bumping the air. "Well, I mean if you want to. Although it isn't really optional. If you say no, you die."

Kieran must not have heard the last part of Dr Kozak's sentence properly because he was still full on considering whether he would have liked to become a spy or not.

I mean... What if Dr Kozak has a mental illness?

What if he's secretly a villain that's out to get me?

What if he's only using me and then is going to kill me straight afterwards?

What if this?
What if that?

"Kid, if you could stop thinking stuff now, I believe I asked you a question," Dr Kozak snapped at Kieran.

"Your mind reading thing is pretty legit," Kieran told him. "I hope your telepathy doesn't last forever though. It's starting to freak me out a little bit."

"I'm making no promises," was all Dr Kozak answered back, smiling to himself smugly.

It was then that Kieran finally decided that yes, he did want to become a spy, so what Dr Kozak did was to give him a contract to sign, the same one that he gave Lauriel, however this time in baby blue, and not light pink because Kieran was a boy, not a girl, even though he was supposed to be.

"If you could just sign there in your neatest handwriting and...." Dr Kozak trailed off, then gasped once he saw Kieran finish writing his name. "Oh my god that is so neat."

He physically had to snatch the contract away from him and squint three times to see Kieran's handwriting because it was that beautiful.

"...How?" Dr Kozak asked him, looking at the contract then at Kieran. Kieran just shrugged his shoulders in return because there was pretty much nothing to do or say to that.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now