Chapter 99- Frantically Texting Kozak

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Inspirational quote: Believe in yourself a little more.


Kieran and Arista's clone were locked up in a room by themselves, presumably the room opposite where Dr Kozak and Esperanza were, hiding behind sofas and trying to conceal themselves from the CCTV cameras located right opposite them.

Arista had insisted her father to at least inform her if either him or Esperanza had seen the trophy anywhere, but that never happened, even though Arista was patiently waiting for her father to text her.

"For goodness sake what's taking him so long?" Arista's clone groaned, making Kieran just stare at her blankly because he had no idea what the hell she was currently complaining about.

"What's taking who so long and what's taking this person a long time to do?" Kieran wanted to know, keeping his voice as quiet as possible.

"Doctor Kozak. My father. He promised me that he would text me when he's seen the trophy, and according to his GPS, the 125th trophy is literally in the room where he and Esperanza is right now."

"Maybe his phone died or something," Kieran suggested, giving up on trying to hide behind the sofa because the way he was hiding was so painful.

"It hasn't died Kieran!" Arista's clone corrected him, staring annoyingly at her phone, waiting for her father to text her.

"Realise that the more you wait for your father to text or call you back then the longer Doctor Kozak will take. Plus how do you know that his phone isn't dead?"

Arista's clone didn't reply straight away of course. She just shook Kieran vigorously like he was an addictive rattling toy or something.

"Because it's ninety seven percent!"

Kieran just raised an eyebrow at her in return.

"And you know this how?"

"I just do. Don't ask me any questions." She boasted, really tempted to just smash her phone on the carpet floor.

"Maybe he's mad at you or something. Ever considered that, Arista?"

Maybe he was still mad at her for destroying his "precious" gun...
It seemed like it still.....

Realising much much later that Arista's clone didn't actually reply, Kieran kept on suggesting ideas on why Dr Kozak wasn't texting or calling his daughter back.

"Maybe he hasn't got service."
"Maybe he hates you."
"Maybe this."
"Maybe that."

"Okay! I get it, Kieran!" Arista's clone shouted at Kieran, almost a bit too loudly for Kieran's liking.

"Do you want me to try and call him?" Kieran questioned, but then remembering that he had blocked Dr Kozak on his phone, said nothing else.

"Didn't you block him?"

"We're friends now. I'll unblock him."

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now