Chapter 83- More Secrets About Kozak

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Inspirational quote: Play the moments. Pause the memories. Stop the pain. And rewind the happiness.


Agent Ezekiel pressed his air horn about a trillion times, but the same thing happened again.

Dr Kozak and his sister Elizabeth just wouldn't and couldn't stop hugging each other.

"Guys..." Ezekiel screamed, watching them kind of annoyingly.


They didn't stop hugging each other.

Ezekiel didn't even bother yelling guys a third time, because he had a much smarter idea by then- to blow the air horns right at their ears.

So he did that of course. Ten times.

"What the heck, Ezekiel!"

"What's your problem?!"

Agent Ezekiel smiled faintly at them even though Dr Kozak and Elizabeth were full on frowning at him.

"You guys were hugging each other for too long. Like ten minutes now. Plus Dr Kozak has some work to do."

"I really don't-"

"Yes you do!" Agent Ezekiel lied, where Dr Kozak just shot him a long, hard and spiteful look.

Agent Ezekiel didn't reply, as he had turned to Elizabeth who was mad at him for practically making her deaf.

"I'm sorry I pressed the air horn near your ear ten times, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth smiled back at him, for some reason, not really saying anything.

"It's fine. I forgive you. Just don't do it again, Ezekiel."

Ezekiel didn't listen to her.

"I was joking." He told her, after he pressed it near her ear an eleventh time. He laughed, where Elizabeth just folded her arms, but then couldn't resist laughing too.

"Hey. I kinda like that air horn. I can use it to annoy people. May I keep it?"

Ezekiel looked at her kind of suspiciously, but didn't say anything else.

"Okay... Sure...." He told her, giving it to her, where Elizabeth just pressed the air horn a thousand times in Ezekiel's ear.

Elizabeth couldn't help laughing.

"Okay. But seriously. Dr Kozak here has some work to be doing," Ezekiel lied, turning to Dr Kozak who was currently having a text argument with his sister Valentina as per usual throughout the phone, and was so mad that he wasn't really or entirely paying attention.

"Yeah yeah whatever. But can Elizabeth stay here? I work better with her around."

Elizabeth turned red where Dr Kozak smiled at her, Agent Ezekiel noticing and giving them a look as if they were all insane.

"You guys are all crazy, man!"

No one replied. They couldn't anyway, because just then Agent White from the room in which Agent Marcel died appeared at the laboratory, claiming for Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth? Elizabeth? Elizabeth! There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere."

Without even saying hi to either Dr Kozak or Ezekiel, Agent White stormed inside, snatching Elizabeth's hand and walking away.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now