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Rosé's POV

I quickly ran down the stairs and went straight outside to get my bike. I am so late.


"Can't! I'm already late, Mom!" I said while preparing my bike. Great way to start Mondays. Tsk.

My Mom came out of the house while holding a bread. I mentally rolled my eyes. Seriously?

I went on my bike while Mom gave the bread to me.

"Then just eat this. Have a safe trip, honey." I put the bread in my mouth and I started biking without replying to my Mom.

Why won't my Parents just buy me a car? Because that would be soooooo helpful.

I finished eating the bread while I turned around the alley.

Why am I even biking so fast? I'm already late. And this won't solve anything.

Stupid alarm clock. It's supposed to ring at 6 but it rang at 7. I'm gonna burn that alarm clock later.

When I got to school, I quickly chained my bike and went inside.
I ran down the hallways just to get to my class. I am so gonna get it.

"Park Chaeyoung. Do you know what time is it?" That's what my Professor said after I opened the door. Wow. Just wow.

"Uhmmm... 8?" I said, not sure of my answer.

"It's already 8:27! Why are you late?" My Professor shouted.

"My alarm clock went koo-koo." After I said that, all of my classmates laughed. Including Lisa. Oh how I missed her.

"Class enough! Chaeyoung, go to your seat." I quickly bowed to her and went on to my seat.

After I sat, my phone vibrated. I took my phone from my pocket and hid it under my table. Phones are not allowed when class is on-going.

From: Lisa
~ So your alarm clock went ku ku ha.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

To: Lisa
~ shaddup. It really went koo-koo.

I put my phone back into my pocket and listened to our Professor. Lisa's seat is in the back. I know she's looking at me while smiling, so I won't look back.

Listening to our Professor is so hard. I don't understand anything and it's only been 3 minutes! She's speaking our language but I'm hearing gibberish! My alarm clock went koo-koo and now I'm going koo-koo. How do graduates survived this?!

My phone vibrated again. It's either Lisa, Jennie unnie or Jisoo unnie. I hope it's Lisa.

I checked my phone and smiled when I saw Lisa's name on my messages.

From: Lisa
~ Look behind you, Chaeng. :)

I quicky did what the text told me and there I saw Lisa smiling while sending finger hearts to me. She mouthed "I love you" and I did the same thing.

We both giggled silently because of our silliness.

I went back listening to our Professor. And I still can't understand a thing! This is just great! Fantastic.

Lisa's POV

Chae is so funny. Good thing our Professor didn't lecture her too hard. I hope sending her hearts is enough to cheer her up.

My phone vibrated. Hoping it was Chae.

From: Bambam
~ Enjoying yourself with Chae, Babe?

I rolled my eyes. Bambam is my boy best friend but he keeps on calling me Babe. Like what the fuck, we're not even in a relationship. We will never be in a relationship. NEVER. N-E-V-E-R. Never.

To: Bambam
~ Stop calling me Babe. I did enjoy myself.

From: Bambam
~ Don't make me jealous, Babe.

To: Bambam
~ If you don't stop calling me Babe, I'll seriously block you.

From: Bambam
~ Chill pokpak.

I rolled my eyes again because he called me pokpak!

I angrily returned my phone into my pocket. I was about to listen to our Professor but I caught Rosé looking at me worriedly.

She turned her head back and went on listening, too. I guess. What's with that? Weird.

I received another text, hoping that it's not Bambam.

I smiled mentally when Chaeng's name appeared in my phone.

From: Chaeng
~ You okay, Lis?

To: Chaeng
~ I'm fine :) Just listen to our prof. Don't mind me, Chae.

From: Chaeng
~ If you say so...

After this class, I carefully put my things back to my bag to get ready for the next class which is across this building.

"Hey, Babe." Bambam said while putting his arm around my shoulder.

(Bambam of Got7)

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(Bambam of Got7)

"One more Babe and I'm gonna kick your ass, Bambam." He quickly put down his arm, scared to what I just said.

After talking to Bambam, I was about to go to Chaeyoung but she's already gone. Where did she go? Did she leave me?

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