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Rosé's POV

I was about to go to Lisa but then, I saw Bambam and Lisa talking to each other. I don't want to interrupt them so I walked out of the classroom.

"Rosie!" Someone yelled from behind me. I stopped walking and turned around. And there, I saw a girl with brown eyes and brownish hair with blonde highlights. 

"What's up, Jennie unnie?" Right beside her is Jisoo unnie.

"Don't leave us. Leaving your unnies behind is bad! Bad doggy!" Jisoo unnie said while pointing at me.

I raised one eyebrow while looking at her. "First of all, unnie, I am not a dog. Second, I thought you guys already left." I said while crossing my arms like a kid.

"Yes, you are a dog! You're my dog!" Jisoo unnie insists. Jennie unnie is looking at us while face palming herself. "God, they are so embarrassing." I heard her whispered.

"No! Your dog is Dalgomie!!!" I pouted like a kid. Jisoo unnie was gonna say something but then someone interrupted her because someone tackled her from behind. Wow, who's that pokemon?

"Yahhhh, Lalisa! How dare you tackle meeee?! What are you?! Pokemon?" Jisoo unnie's forehead creased and crossed her arms while looking at Lisa.

"I'm pikachuuuu! Chuuuu~" Lisa said while mimicking Pikachu. Here we go again.

"No!! I'm Pikachuuu!" And then the two fought like a Kid. I looked at Jennie unnie and she looks pissed.

"If you both don't shut up, I swear to God, both of you won't like what I'll do." Jennie unnie said crossing her arms while glaring at them. Both of them gulped and quiet down because of fright.

We walked next to class which is far far far away from here. It's across this building! Stupid Principal. We're not robots. We get tired easily. Tsk.

"We're not late, are we?" I asked Jennie unnie.

"We are so late because of these two idiots!" Jennie unnie said while glaring at Jisoo unnie and Lisa which caused them to pout. She's so cute.

I felt an arm wrapped around my waist which cause me to stiffened. "Oh come on, Jennie unnie, it's not our fault!" I felt her warm breath against the skin of my neck.

"Right, Chae?" She asked while looking at me straight to my eyes. I just nodded. I'll stutter if I say a thing.

"You okay, Chae?" Lisa whispered. I looked at her and smiled. I kissed her in the cheek to let her know that I'm fine. She gave me a wide smile before talking to Jisoo unnie but her arm is still wrapped around my waist.

When we got to the classroom, we quickly sat in our seats. Good thing the teacher is not yet here. I hate my teacher in English. Because that teacher is so pervert as fuck. He's 29 and whenever we walked passed him, he looks at us from head to toe. Creepy jerk. Let me rephrase that. Creepy pervert jerk.

Our Teacher is like 10 minutes late and he's still not here. I hope he got fired.

I'm reading a book while the other three is talking to our classmates.

"Rosé." I heard someone calling me. I looked up and saw Eunji unnie.

(Jung Eunji of Apink

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(Jung Eunji of Apink. Main Vocalist.)

"Yes, unnie?" I smiled sweetly at her. She's a choir member also the leader. I'm a choir member.

"We will practice a religous song after class. Because tomorrow, the oldies in our town will have a seminar. We're excuse from 1pm - 3pm." She said and I nodded. We talked for a minute and after that, she quickly said good bye and went to the other class to tell the choir members what she told me.

Eunji unnie is very sweet. She's like a mother and she's a happy virus. She has a very great voice. I idolized her.

"Who was that?" I almost fell out of my chair because Lisa surprised me.

I glared at her. "You scared me! I almost had a heart attack!" I slapped her shoulder while she's laughing like crazy.

"Stop, Chae! It hurts!" She said between her laughs. I stopped but she's still laughing. It's unfair! I stopped slapping her already but she's still laughing! Unbelievable.

I'm just staring at her, poker faced. She stopped laughing and wiped her tears from her eyes. She even cried while laughing. Unbelievable.

"But seriously tho, who was that?" She asked crossing her arms while pouting.

"Why? You jealous?" I scoffed. I went back from reading my book but she closed my book and took it.

"I'm not giving this book back. Why were you talking to Eunji unnie?!" She yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "See, you know her. Then why are you asking me that?" Who wouldn't know Eunji unnie? From top 1-50 of Campus Queens. She's like top 10.
She gave me a pout. "Hmph!" And then she walked away. What's with her? She even took my book!

She's cute though. Lisa, don't be like that. I'll fall harder.

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