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Rosé's POV

"Where the hell are we going?" Jisoo unnie groaned, rocking back and forth at the back side of the van.

"Shut up, Hayoung's tracking where Lisa's Mom is. Go to sleep." Jennie unnie argued.

"We're really skipping class for this." Eunji unnie said who is right beside me.

"It's gonna be okay, unnie. The president of the school is here with us." Namjoo said, referring to Chorong unnie who is driving.

Chorong - Bomi
Me - Eunji - Hayoung
Jennie - Jisoo - Namjoo - Naeun

"Why did I even come!? The teachers are not gonna give us an F right?!" And now, Chorong unnie is panicking.

"Don't worry, Babe. They're gonna give us a G. For Good." I mentally face palmed myself to what Bomi unnie said.

Eunji unnie laughed, clapping her hands. "Bomi pabo!"

"I'm hungry." Naeun suddenly blurted out, making everyone to laugh.

"I'm hungry, too."

"Me too."

"Me three."

"We're all hungry okay? We left before lunch." Chorong unnie pouted.

"Kai Winai. It says here, she lives in Namhae." Hayoung, who is busy with her phone said.

"Then let's go to Namhae! We need to hurry up." I said, getting pump up.

"Hold your horse, Rosie. We should eat first. And besides, there's no deadline." Jennie unnie said as she patted my back.

"There is though. Bambam said Lisa will get married after 2 weeks." The van suddenly stopped causing us all to almost bump our heads with each other.

"What?!" Chorong unnie, shouted, shocked at what I said.

"Her dad needs the money from Jungkook's dad already. I mean if they get married, then both companies will join forces right? And that means more money for Mr. Manoban."

"Disgusting old man. Only wants money and power. Doesn't care of what will happen to her daughter." Eunji unnie snickered.

"Then let's take out our food." Bomi unnie suggested, not minding what I just said. Geez, this unnie only cares about food.

"We will find Lisa's mom. I mean, how hard can it be to find a missing mom, right?" Jisoo unnie, being an optimist, said.

"Namhae is big, you know." Jennie unnie rolled her eyes.

"I'm bigger!" Jisoo unnie said with her aegyo. I cringed at what Jisoo unnie did.

"Then how many days are we gonna stay at Namhae? Oh please tell me not 1 week. We might get called to the Principal's office." Chorong unnie said, panicking again.

"I don't care how many days. We just need to find Lisa's mom before we meet the deadline."

"We can do this but first let's eat please please pleaseeee." Namjoo said, begging for food.

"Eat in the airplane." - Eunji

"But I'm hungry too!" Bomi unnie whined.

"Then both of you eat in the airplane." Eunji unnie said, flipping her hair.

"Ughhhh!" - Bomi and Namjoo


"So where's our private jet?" Jisoo unnie said as she stepped out of the car.

"Private jet my ass." Jennie unnie followed, rolling her eyes.

"Your ass is perfect babe!" Then Jisoo unnie winked at her. I cringed at the process. Eww. Grosss. Too much information.

"You are so talkative! Let's just get our ticket." Jennie unnie said, dragging Jisoo unnie forward.

Eunji unnie swang her arms around me. "Cheer up, baby girl! We'll solve things out. Just enjoy the moment. We'll find Lisa's mom." Then she gave me her heart warming smile. "Don't worry."

"Hurry up in buying tickets. I am so hungry, my stomach will explode." Namjoo said, rubbing her belly.

"Me too! Me too!" Bomi unnie whined.

"Let's just walk away. Pretend like we don't know them." Eunji unnie whispered, and we both walked away from whining Namjoo and Bomi unnie. Hayoung and Naeun did the same.

Chorong unnie, together with Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie are buying tickets.

"Yah! Did you guys just ignore us?" Bomi unnie shouted. They are so embarrassing.

"Yah! Yahhhh! YAHHH!" Namjoo shouted while running straight to us. Eunji unnie and I started to run too while laughing.

"Aishhh jjinja?! When will my co-members start acting like their own age?" I heard Chorong unnie sigh. I am worried that we might get kicked out of the airplane while we're flying and we don't have wings to fly away. I mean we're that noisy.

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