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Rosé's POV

"How did it go? What happened? Did you kiss her? Rosie, hurry upppp! Spill it already!" Jennie unnie asked away right after I stepped in the classroom. And right behind me is Lisa.

She stopped blurting out gibberish when she saw Lisa, right behind my back. She awkwardly smiled and waved. I mentally face palmed myself.

Lisa looked at me and gave me a you-have-to-explain look. I lifted up my hands like surrendering to a police.

"I'm innocent." I said, panicking. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I swear to God. Jennie unnie is the master mind!" I said, pointing at Jennie unnie, who's giving me a death glare.

Jennie unnie avoided her gaze at me and looked at Lisa, giving her a toothy grin. "Oh please. Just thank me already. Because of my great plan, you two are together now." She said, sounding like an evil step mother.

We both blushed and looked at each other. Then Jennie unnie squealed. "OHMYGOD I'M RIGHT?! YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER!" She screamed like a fangirl saw her oppa passing by.

Jisoo unnie popped out of nowhere and joined Jennie unnie who's still squealing. Wow. Aren't we the maknae? Did we squeal when we found out about them being together? No. We didn't. These unnies, unbelievable.

I looked at Lisa, who's still blushing by the way. I gave her an apologetic smile and held her hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

The two stop squealing and gave us a serious look. Okay? Are they bipolar or something?

"So Lisa, what are you gonna do with Bambam?" Jisoo unnie asked, crossing her arms like a mother caught her child doing illegal things.

"Bambam?" Lisa asked, confused. The three of us face palmed ourselves. She's just too innocent.

"Lisa, I don't know if you're just plain stupid or just a cold hearted bitch." Jennie unnie marked as she looked at Lisa with a "seriously" look.

Jisoo unnie and I laughed. Ohmygod, she called Lisa stupid and a bitch!

Lisa gave Jennie unnie a surprised with a hurt look. "Ouch, unnie! That's crossing the line!" Lisa said, holding her other hand(I'm holding her left hand so yeah) to her chest, being dramatic.

Jennie unnie just rolled her eyes at her.

"And you two!" Lisa said, pointing at Jisoo unnie then at me. "Don't laugh! Your maknae was just called stupid and a bitch by a dog with a mix of Sid from Ice Age!" Lisa said, blowing up.

Jisoo unnie and I laughed again. Ohmygod! She called Jennie unnie a dog and Sid. Sid from Ice Age is innocent, Lisa.

Jennie unnie gave Lisa a death glare and raised her eyebrow. "What did you just say?" Jennie unnie asked, stepping close to Lisa.

"Sid." Lisa said with smug look. Jisoo unnie stepped in between the both of them, still laughing.

"Woah, woah, guys. Chill!" Jisoo unnie said, smiling while pulling Jennie unnie aside and giving her a kiss in the lips. It was just quick but I find it sweet. But though, this is weird. Seeing my two unnies kiss each other.

That made Jennie unnie calm and she gave Jisoo unnie a kiss again. Jennie unnie gave Jisoo a heart warming smile and looked at Lisa and both of them laughed.

"You guys are over reacting. We were just joking to each other." Jennie unnie said, giving Jisoo unnie and I a slap in the shoulder while laughing.

"But seriously though, you guys are in a relationship now?" Jennie unnie asked, smiling wildly, waiting for our answer with stars in her eyes. I think I see the whole universe in her eyes.

Lisa gave Jennie unnie a quick nod and smiled. I looked at her, memorizing every bit of her face. I can't believe that she's my girlfriend now.

Lisa looked at me and gave me a quick kiss in the lips. "Stop staring at me like that, Chae... I might melt." She whispered in my ears and licked my earlobe.

I gasped. "Lisa, don't do that again. I'm getting hot." I whispered, lightly pushing her with a tomato like face.

She leaned closer to me. "But you're always hot, Babe." She teased and she gave me a peck in the lips, not minding the look of our unnies.

"Ohmygod, they are worse than us!" Jisoo unnie exlaimed.

"I agree with you. Just try not to have sex in the hallways, alright?" Jennie unnie said and she smiled mischievously.

We both blushed to what Jennie unnie said. Ohmygod, my innocent mind. Images of me and Lisa on bed, naked keep flashing on my mind.

I need to pray 10 Our Father, 10 Holy Mary, and 10 Glory Be later.
"Sh-shut up, unnie!" Lisa whined, strangling Jennie unnie.

"Oh geez. Both of you need to stop acting innocent. We all went to stages in life where our curiosity surpassed us and boom! We all watched porn, just admit it." Jisoo unnie added, saving Jennie unnie from Lisa.

"Oh my God! Just stop, stop, stop! I need to go to church later." I said, running my hands through my hair, frustrated.

"You guys are like that because you two had sex already." Lisa said, letting out a puff in the air.

Both of the unnies blushed and looked surprised. Lisa and I hung our mouths open. Oh my God!! They... they... theyyyyyyy! Oh God! No! My mind is now corrupt.

"We didn't! And by the way, it's our Gym class!" Jennie unnie said, recovering her confidence and she walked out, pulling Jisoo unnie with her and left us. I just realized that no one's here in the classroom, only the bags of our classmates was left. But wait...

"If it's our gym class, what were they doing here?" I asked out loud, looking at Lisa. Don't tell me they... I cringed at the thought.

Lisa didn't answer my question, instead she pulled me closer to her, closing our gap.

She pushed me, my back facing the wall. She grabbed my hair and held it while kissing me passionately.

I bit her lower lip, causing her to moan. I smirked. Payback time. I let my tongue slide to her mouth, feeling every inch of it. Her teeth, tongue and saliva.

I sucked her tongue and she let out a loud moan. Her moan is a music to my ears.

We both pulled back when we felt like we needed air.

"I thought both of them won't leave us alone." Lisa said, referring to Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie.

She licked her upper lip, seducing me. "Why? Can't get enough of me, Pokpak?" I asked and kissed her again.

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