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Rosé's POV

As soon as the electricity went out, Lisa jumped right at me and hugged me. And then another lightning and thunder struck.

Lisa screamed. I forgot that she's afraid of lightning and thunder. I positioned her sitting in my lap and hugged her using my right arm and rubbed her back using my left hand. Her chin is resting in my left shoulder while she's sobbing.

"Shhhh. It's fine. You're alright." I comforted her but she kept crying. I keep rubbing her back and then another lightning and thunder struck.

She hugged me more and started shaking. I felt Lisa's warm tears spread through my shoulder.

"Lisa... shhhh. It will stop soon. Don't cry, Pokpak." I said lightening up the mood. Silence covered my room. The only thing you can hear is the drops of rain and Lisa's sobbing.

I'm addicted to Lisa's smell. I can feel her heart beat and her warmth. And I can't believe that I'm positioned like this with her right now. Oh God, please avoid me making sin. I know I shouldn't be thinking this right now but even though she's crying, she's still hot. God, send an angel from above and help me.

I stopped thinking about Lisa's hotness when I heard foot steps outside and I know my sister will come in here any moment. Oh God, I hope she doesn't misunderstand this.

My sister will freak out if she saw us positioned like this. I hope she won't freak out.

"Hey guys, here's the fla--- okay, what is going on here?" My sister said while opening the door but then she saw us in position like this. She even pointed the flashlight at us while resting her back to the door.

"Shut up, Unnie. Lisa's afraid of lightning and thunder." I said, still comforting Lisa.

"Oh honey, it's just a lightning and a thunder. But yeah, it can kill someone but I hope that someone is not us." Unnie said, sitting in my bed.

I looked at her and mouthed "NOT HELPING" and rolled my eyes. She's making the situation worse! Why is she my sister again? I'm starting to think that I'm adopted.

"Cheer up, Lalisa. The rain will stop soon, I just know it." Unnie said and kissed Lisa on the top of her head and went out but she left the extra flashlight in the table right beside my bed.

I continued comforting Lisa and once again... silence covered the room.

"Cha--e..." Lisa whispered between her sobs.

"Hmmm?" I asked, caressing her hair.

"Stay by my side..." Lisa whispered, tilting her head.

"I will always stay by your side, Pokpak. So cheer up." I said patting her head and she chuckled.

The thunder and lightning stopped and Lisa is still hugging me. God, I wish Jisoo unnie is here right now so she can take another picture. I can feel her heavy breathing in my neck. She's making me hot.

Minutes have passed and Lisa fell asleep in my arms. I slowly lay myself in my bed, hoping that Lisa won't wake up.

When I laid successfully, I let out all the air that was stored in my lungs. Wooh, that was stressful.

So right now... our position is... Lisa's resting in my arm while we're hugging each other. Oh my God, where's the angel that is needed right now?

And where's Jisoo unnie and Jennie unnie when you need them? Someone please take a picture right now.

I looked at the angel right beside me and wiped her tears that was dried down to her cheeks.

"You're such a cry baby, Lisa." I whispered, kissing her forehead. And then my gaze went down to her lips. *gulp* Why is it always pinkish and it's like screaming for me to kiss it?

I want to kiss it so bad. Then kiss her, she's asleep. She won't notice it. My inner self said.

I can't take it any longer, So I kissed her lips. And when I did... God... it felt like the Earth stopped rotating. The butterflies in my stomach went crazy. And it felt like heaven.

Her lips are so soft. I bit her lower lip and then I pulled out, hoping that she didn't wake up.

Relief covered my face when I still see her, peacefully sleeping.

Seconds later... I closed my eyes when realization hit me. OHMYGOD! I KISSED HER! WHY DID I DO THAT?

You're so crazy, Park Chaeyoung! But though, admit it. You liked it. My inner self said... again. I didn't like it... I loved it.

My gaze went up in the ceiling... I still can't believe I did that. How can I sleep now?

The electricity is still out and good thing I'm not scared of the dark. The flashlight that my sister gave me is still in the table right beside my bed.

"I love you chaeng." I heard Lisa mumbled while sleeping. I was surprised. I thought she woke up.

I sighed and caressed her cheek. "I love you, too." But the difference is, I love you more than a best friend, Lisa.

"Goodnight, my Pokpak." I whispered and closed my eyes, hoping that I'll sleep fast. After that, I didn't notice that I fell asleep.

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