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Rosé's POV

"So you guys just kissed and she ran away?" Jisoo unnie asked with a frown.

"That's messed up. Why would she run? Did you brush your teeth? Let me smell your breath." She said, pulling me in my arm and made me face her. She held my jaw and opened my mouth by squishing my cheeks.

"Unnie, you are so weird. Please let go of my face." I said as I pushed her off me. But I can't believe Lisa. She seriously left me and took off without saying a word after our kiss. What did I do wrong?

I really need to solve this problem quick. If I want her to not marry Jungkook, I have to make the impossible possible. But how can I convince her dad to cancel the engagement?

"Are you even listening to me?" I mean, her dad is mean... awful... arrogant... cruel... andddd... aggressive. Should I call the police? I wish Lisa's mom is here. Wait! OF COURSE! Lisa's mom! I need to contact her!

"Hey, pasta!" But how can I contact her? I don't even know her face. Heck, I don't even know her name. Lisa never mentioned her before. It was always her Dad... torturing her.

"PARK CHAEYOUNG!" I was snapped away from my thoughts when I heard Jisoo unnie's voice and me, crashing into someone and fell on the floor.

"Pasta, are you okay?" Unnie approached me, helping me to stand. After that, she picked up my things. That hurt.

"So stupid. Watch where you're going next time." Now, who's this jerk? I turned around and came to face to face by Taehyung. Just great. Jungkook's spawn. Just great.

"If you knew that I wasn't looking, then you should have dodged me. Stupid." I fought back. Oh I wish I can turn into a snake and bite him with my venom so he could die.

"What?" He asked, stepping forward but I didn't move. I stood my ground and held my annoyed look.

"You heard her. Stupid and deaf. Let's go, Pasta." Unnie interrupted us. She held my arm and pulled me but it didn't do anything. I still held my ground.

Taehyung was a bit taken aback by Jisoo unnie's change of attitude. They stared at each other for a while then Taehyung looked away, shocked. Okay? What's going on here?

Taehyung took a step back while looking down then he turned around, running away from us. That's weird. Was he frightened by Jisoo unnie's face? No, no. That's not it. Jisoo unnie's pretty. She looks like an angel sent from above but why did he run off like that? Unless...

I turned around. "You two know each other?" Unnie looked away and shrugged.

"So you do know each other. How?" This is interesting... Unnie never mentioned the oh-so-famous-Kim-Taehyung to us.

"Remember my ex?" Unnie asked, unsure. She rubbed her arm up and down many times to make her less nervous.

I crossed my arms. "Which one?" She has 3 exes, I think. Unless she has more but didn't tell us.

"The one who cheated on me the day of our first anniversary." She said, looking up to meet my eyes.

Then realization hit me, hard. "THAT'S HIM?!" I shouted. All the students stopped doing what they were doing and looked at us, suspiciously. I couldn't contain my shock so I let it all out.

"Shut. Up." Then she smacked my arm.

"Buttttt..." I didn't finish what I was saying because unnie shushed me.

"Don't tell Lisa and Jennie. Especially Jennie. Got it?" I let out an exhausted sigh and nodded. This was a long day.

"Want me to kick him? I mean, he cheated on you." Unnie quickly wave both of his hands and shakes her head, meaning "NO!"

"Don't even think about it, Pasta! Back to our previous topic. Did she kiss you back?" Unnie asked with sparkle in her eyes like she's saying "please say yes".

"Yes but she pushed me back quickly and exited the door." I finished my sentence while Eunji unnie appeard out of nowhere.

"Who pushed you back? Want me to beat her to pulp?" Eunji unnie asked, flexing her muscles like she's a guy ready to fight for me.

"Yeah, sure. Beat Lisa to a pulp. That would be nice." Jisoo unnie said, clapping her hands quick like a seal with a victory in her eyes. This unnies... I mentally face palmed my self.

"Lisa? Why? Something happened again?" Eunji unnie asked, putting her hand behind my back and started rubbing it.

"Oh please, the drama is still on going. Want to watch it while eating popcorn with me, unnie?" Jisoo unnie asked Eunji unnie. Here we go again. Her extraness is... activating again.

Eunji unnie was about to say something but Chorong unnie and Bomi unnie interrupted. What's with Apink members bumping into us? It's like they're everywhere but it's nice. Not that I'm complaining.

"Eunji yah!" Bomi unnie shouted.

"Shit. They found me. Good bye, friends! This happy virus is out." Then she ran off while screaming for her life.

"EUNJI YAH! SAVE ME FROM UNNIE!" Bomi unnie shouted while running so fast like her life depends on it.

"YAH! YOON BOMI! GET BACK HERE! I AM NOT YET DONE WITH YOU!" Chorong unnie followed with a frown on her face. What did Bomi unnie do this time?

"I DIDN'T MEAN IT, I SWEAR! I LOVE YOU!" Bomi unnie said while looking back to see Chorong unnie.

"BOMI YAH!!!!" Chorong unnie glared at Bomi unnie which made Bomi unnie run faster.

It's so funny that Chorong unnie, our president is running around the hallways. Won't she get in trouble for that? I mean that's against the rules. You know what? Whatever. Rules are meant to be broken anyway.

"What a weird girls." Jisoo unnie whispered. I nodded, agreeing with unnie.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Unnie suddenly asked after President Rong disappeared from our eyes.

"What else? I'm gonna win her back."

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