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Rosé's POV

I went inside too and I was greeted by Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie with a hug.

"How was the seminar, Rosie?" Jennie unnie asked, breaking the hug.

"One word, boring." I replied with a shrug.

"Did you guys miss me?" I asked, looking for my seat. When I found it, I was about to sit but I saw Lisa looking at me with a poker face look.

"No. Why would we, Pasta?" Jisoo unnie replied. I looked at her, avoiding Lisa and acted like I was hurt.

"Ouch, unnie." I said while holding my chest.

"We didn't. But Lisa did." Jennie unnie said while looking at Lisa.

I tilted my head sidewards to see her, too. Lisa did? My eyebrows furrowed. Really? The way she's acting is like telling me that she didn't even care that I was gone.

"It's weird though. Earlier, she was excited when she saw you and when Jb talked to you, she quickly went inside the room." Jisoo unnie said with a confused look.

"Maybe she's jealous." Jennie unnie shrugged while she sat next to my seat.

My brows furrowed in confusion. "Why would she be jealous?" I asked out loud.

Does she love me the way I love her? Don't be stupid, Rosé. It's impossible.

"Don't know. Just ask her. Duh." Jennie unnie said crossing her leg while looking at Jisoo unnie. They both smiled at each other. Okay? I smell something fishy here.

I looked at Lisa again and was surprised because she's looking at me too. She quickly avoided eye contact and looked outside the window.

I looked at the bracelet Lisa gave me and sighed. I walked straight to her but she didn't notice.

"Hey." I said sitting at her desk.

"You okay, Lis?" I asked her tilting my head so I can see her clearly.

"Fine." She said, still not looking at me.

I stretched out my arm and held her face and moved it to the right so I can see her. When I got to see her face clearly, she looked down to the floor.

"Hey... look at me please." I said brushing my thumb to her cheek. But she's still looking down.

"What's the problem, Lisa?" I asked holding her chin and lifted it. And there, our eyes met. Stupid butterflies. Calm down, will you?! It's just a stupid eye contact.

"Nothing." She mumbled and then she looked at the window again.

"Are you sure? Hey... look at me..." She looked at me straight to the eyes and nodded. I smiled at her.

"Help me with this, Lis." I said letting go of her cheek and gave her the bracelet.

"Can you put it here?" I said stretching out my left arm.

"You took it off?" She asked surprised. The thing is... the bracelet that Lisa gave me... I never took it off. Even when I bathe, or sleep, I never take it off. It's pure silver so it won't rust. I wonder how it fell off. Good thing that it's still not damaged.

I shook my head. "No. It fell off. Good thing Jb gave it to me." I said remembering what happened earlier.

Her brows furrowed. "Jb?"

"He gave it to me earlier. You even saw him talking to me." I said while playing with her bangs.

She raised an eyebrow. "How did it fall off?" She asked, still not satisfied to my answer.

"I don't know. But I'm pretty sure it fell off when we're eating at the canteen." I said remembering my convos with Jb.

She sighed and held my hand while putting the bracelet with one hand. Sparks flew when she touched me.

"There." She said, finished putting my bracelet.

I smiled at her and gave her a peck in the cheek. "Thanks, Lis." And went back to my seat.

I saw Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie smiling like a creepy clown at us.

"Sooo... is the ChaeLisa ship sailing?" Jennie unnie asked while I sat down.

"Because if it is, I'm totally in the ship." She said and winked at me.

I looked at her confused. What ship? Are we going somewhere?


ChaeLisa. I blushed when I realized that it's my name and Lisa's combined.

My phone vibrated signalling me that I received a text.

I took my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. Jisoo unnie's name welcomed me. I opened the text and was surprised because Jisoo unnie sent me a picture of me and Lisa earlier.

I blushed. It was the pose where I held her chin. Ohmygod, they were watching.

Another text came and it was Jisoo unnie again.

From: Jichu unnie
~ ;) You're welcome.

I was slightly annoyed and slightly grateful.

I set that picture into my homescreen wallpaper.

But though... the picture looks great.


Blinkssssss, stream the MV (As if it's your last). Blinks fighting! For our Queens 👑✨

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