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Rosé's POV

"What should we watch?" Lisa plopped down in my bed, looking for some movies in my laptop.

I plopped down too. Hugging her from behind and trailing kisses in her neck.

"Let me guess, we'll watch another disney movie?" Lisa again asked, not bothered on what I'm doing.

I ignored her and continued kissing her neck. "Am I talking to the air? Someone answer meeee~" Lisa whined, causing me to chuckle.

"Just pick anything, Love." I said with my aussie accent because this girl mocked me earlier.

"Let's watch tv seriesssss~" Lisa whined again, making me smile.

"Vampire Diaries? The 100? Scream Queens? Pretty Little Liars? Orphan Black? Game of Thrones? 13 Reasons Why?" I asked, still hugging her from behind and sniffing her neck.

"Waittt. You watch those?" Lisa asked, shocked and confused.

"Well, duh, Minion. It's in my laptop." Affer I said that, Lisa unexpectedly tickled me, causing me to laugh out loud.

"Who you callin' MINION?" She kept asking that but I kept on laughing.

"ST---OP I CAN'T BREA---THE!" I said between my laughter. She's now on top of me, still tickling me.

Then an idea striked on my mind. "Stop or I'll kick you off my bed!" I threatened but she kept on tickling me. Really, Chae? What a useless threat because in reality, you can't do it. My inner self whispered.

I held both of her hands, making her stop. When she did, we were panting and tired. Try to be in my shoes and feel my pain.

We stared at each other, waiting for someone to make a move. My gaze went to Lisa's lips. I gulped.

Lisa leaned closer, closing our gap by crashing her lips to mine. She fixed her position and continued kissing me. I responded quickly, hungry for her love.

I slipped my tongue in her mouth causing her to moan. I held the back of her head, pulling her hair.

Then she backed off, out of breath. We're now looking straight at each other's eyes, not breaking eye contact.

We're in dazed. And then my thoughts came back to Lisa's dad.

I slowly got up, pushing her slowly and positioned myself sitting in her lap. I carressed her cheeks and gave her a quick peck.

"Let's watch later. Tell me about your problem first." I whispered, rubbing my thumb to her cheek bones while her hands are in my bare thigh, feeling her warmth.

She tilted her head, avoiding my eyes. "My dad hates me. End of story." She quickly dismissed the topic.

I frowned. "Hate is a big word, Babe. And who would dare to hate my little pumpkin?" I cheesily said.

Lisa just shrugged, still not looking at me. "I love you."

Then Lisa looked at me and replied back saying "I love you too."

I smiled and kissed her quick in the lips. "Whatever the problem is Lalisa Manoban. I'm always here for you. Always." Then I kissed her again but this time, it's slow and passionate.

I slowly pushed her, making her lay in bed. Then my mouth found its way to her neck. Biting and sucking it, making her moan. Good thing Mom, Dad, and Alice unnie left for groceries.

I pulled back, causing her to groan. "More Chaeee~" She whined, pulling me again closer to her.

But I kept my distance and smirked. "Consider this as my payback for mocking my accent." And I gave her a peck.

She groaned again, making me chuckle. We fixed our position and we're now choosing what to watch. If it's Vampire Diaries, 13 Reasons Why or The 100.

"Let's choose Vampire Diariessssss. The brothers there are so hot~" Lisa squealed, causing my facial expression turned into disgust.

"Lexa's hotter." I countered back, referring to the star in the tv series 'The 100'.

She looked at me and gave me a duh look. "I'm hottest."

I snickered. "Nice joke, Manoban."

She gave me a poker faced look and sticked her tongue out. "Admit it."

I moved closer to her face and grinned. "Nevah!" I said with a different accent.

"Whatever! Let's just watch 13 Reasons Why! Stupid Lexa." Lisa scoffed. I smiled and gave her a kiss in the cheek.

"My pokpak's jealoussss~" I teased her.

"Bitch please, it's obvious that I'm way hotter than Lexa or whatever's her real name is." She defended, full of confidence in herself.

I rolled my eyes. "You're such a narcissist, Lisa."

Lisa slapped my shoulder and laughed. "I am not!"

I laughed with her. "You know what? Let's just watch. This only happens once in a blue moon, you know." Because usually, we only watch Disney movies but today's different.

"You're avoiding the topic!" She whined, shaking my arm.

"Shhhh. Let's just watch, Narnar." I gave her a new nickname.

Lisa looked at me in disbelief. "Seriously?"

I looked at her and smiled. "What? You prefer Narciso?"

She just scoffed and turned her head towards the laptop, clicking the play button. And then we just watched silently...


Okay, I may not update any chapters for the next few days because our test is coming which is next week. But worry not, I'll try to update a chapter after I scan my books, Blinks! 💜

I just hope that I won't fail in any of my test. Especially Math 😅😂 hate that subject.

But my mom doesn't want me to use phones if there's a test coming, so yeah, I'll sneak my phone for you guys 😂💜 WISH ME LUCK HAHAHA.

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