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Rosé's POV

The sun's light woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and slowly yawned. I was about to get up but I felt warm hands in my belly. I quickly opened my eyes and looked below. It's Lisa's hand under my shirt!

Oh my God, why is she touching me there? I'm pretty sure that I'm red as a tomato right now.

I looked at the girl beside me, who is still asleep. Should I let her hand be or... nahhh... I'll let it be. I suddenly remembered the song "Let it be", I want to sing it right now. Let it be~ Just kidding, I might wake up Lisa. Let's go back to her hand under my shirt, shall we? And besides... her hand is so warm. Soooo, yep. Imma gonna let it be.

Lisa slowly opened her eyes. "Good morning, Pokpak." I said giving her a smile.

She yawned and smiled at me. "Morning, Chae..." She mumbled, closing her eyes again.

"Yah! Don't sleep! We still have school!" I said, shaking her up. She quickly got up and I almost fell because of her sudden movement.

"WHAT TIME IS IT?!" She screamed and panicked, running to the bathroom. I mentally rolled my eyes. IT'S ADVENTURE TIME.

I looked at the wall clock above my window. "It's 6:10." I said getting up and went to my closet.

I took under garments (For Me, and Lisa. Good thing my sister always buy me under garments. But some of them are just here, display for the closet. I don't use it. Good thing or else Lisa will wear her under garments again.) and something to wear for school. I took 2 ripped jeans and 2 crop tops. Classes starts at 7:20 and I think, we'll be late.

Hours have passed and we're in Lisa's car. "STEP ON IT, LISA! IT'S ALREADY 7:10!" I shouted.

Lisa quickly drove the car off my garage and she stepped on it.

"We are so late!" Lisa said, freaking out.

"And we are so dead." I said remembering that today's first class is Math and oh God... how can I forget?! Our Teacher there is like a witch! Her hair's messy like a witch, she has a big mole besides her nose like a witch, she has glasses because she's old, she has a stick with her that serves as a wand and her attitude is like a witch! And I think her magic is stored somewhere in her voice. When she shouts, we can feel the devil rising! I'm telling you, she's scary as hell. If you choose between embarrassing yourself in public and her being your Teacher, you'll choose to embarrass yourself. Trust me.

"Should we skip math class and just attend at second period?" Lisa suggested an idea while turning the steering wheel.

"No freaking way! She'll turn into a Pokemon Witch and have her Final Evolution if we skipped her class! NOW DRIVE, YOUNG LADY! DRIVE LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW!" I shouted while pointing at the road in front of us like an idiot.

Lisa's POV

Minutes have passed and here we are at school, parking my car.

As soon as we parked it, Chae and I quickly went out of the car and ran straight to our class like the Flash.

It's already 7:19 and we're hoping that the scary old geezer is not yet there.

We ran like there's no tomorrow even though running in the hallways is not allowed. I'm hoping that Chorong unnie will let us pass. Chorong is our student council president. And the Vice President is Nayeon unnie.

 And the Vice President is Nayeon unnie

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(Nayeon of Twice.)

When we got to our classroom, we quickly sat in our chair not minding our classmates who are frowning at us with a confused look.

We are so out of breath right now. In this class, Chaey is in the back, sitting. While I, on the other hand, is in front... facing the white board. I hope that stupid old geezer won't notice how sweaty I am, I don't want an another interview.

Like last time, when Jisoo unnie and I were late, she interviewed us until math period ended. She interviewed us while kneeling with a pot in our hands, balancing! Jisoo unnie survived because her talent is balancing! While me, on the other hand, got detention.

And speaking of the devil, or should I say witch, she's here with her stick. I don't know if it's her evil magic wand or her broom stick.

I hate math. Welcome to 1 hour of hell, everyone~ Would you like to join us? Ugh! I hope this hour will go fast... faster... fastest. And besides, I'm hungry already. Chae and I skipped breakfast.


Blinks, I might not update everyday because I have classes starting now. Our summer vacation went fast :< But I'll try my best to update everyday, blinks! Thanks for the support again 💜

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