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Rosé's POV

I woke up early because we'll go to the church. I took my phone under my pillow and unlocked it.

Lisa unexpectedly chatted me. That's weird. It's only 4:20 in the morning but she's already awake.

Lisa: Why are you up so early? 😕

I replied, "Shouldn't I be asking you that? 😑"

Lisa: I can't sleep...

I frowned. Don't tell me she stayed up all night?

Me: Why, Babe?

I got up and went to the bathroom, taking my phone with me.

Lisa: Stuffs...

Me: Straight to the point please.

Lisa: Okay fine, dad came home and got angry at me because of the party.

Me: Well that's new, I mean your dad at home? He comes home like once in a blue moon. We're gonna talk about this later. Just please tell me you didn't cry.

Me: Brb Babe. Imma gonna take a shower. 💙

I was worried but if we are late because of me, my dad will be furious.

I was about to take off my clothes but my phone vibrated.

Lisa: I didn't. Don't worry.

Lisa: Take me with you 😉💜 I'm gonna make you hot.

I blushed hard. This girl...

Me: Perv.

And I turned off my phone and quickly went to shower, still blushing on what Lisa said.

25 minutes have passed and I'm ready to go. I opened my phone and Lisa's name welcomed me.

Lisa: Where u going anyway?

Me: Church. Just wait for me. After this, I'll go straight to your house.

Lisa: I will not be surprised if you will be the next POPE 😂😂😂

Lisa: No, don't. I'm fineeee.

I don't know whether to laugh at her joke or be worried because she doesn't want me to come over.

"ROSEANNE! COME DOWN ALREADY!" My sister yelled. I quickly texted Lisa that we'll be off to church and I'll chat with her later.

I quickly went outside and locked the door. I ran straight to my Dad's car and looked outside. Stars... oh how I love them.

Minutes have passed and the mass is still not yet done. I want to open my phone so bad so that I can chat with Lisa. But no, phones should be turned off when you're at the church. I was about to chat her earlier when I was in the car but she was not online.

We're currently singing Glory to God in the Highest.

I was busy singing the song that I haven't notice someone kissed me on the cheek.

I quickly looked beside me and saw... Lisa?

I was shocked. Why is she here? Am I still asleep or something? I hung my mouth open, still not believing that I'm seeing my girlfriend here in the CHURCH. C-H-U-R-C-H. Church.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Then she chuckled, giving butterflies in my stomach.

"Why are you here?" I whispered. My dad just looked at us while smiling then he continued singing.

She pouted. "Aren't you happy I came all the way here for you?" She mumbled, looking down.

I held her hand and shook my head. "I'm happy. It's just that I didn't expect this." I said, rubbing my thumb to her hand.

Everyone suddenly sat down so we did the same.

I didn't listen to the Priest the whole mass because I'm too busy looking at the Goddess beside me.

When someone will stand, we'll stand too. When someone will kneel, we'll kneel too. I'm to distracted.

"I don't understand a thing." Lisa whispered. I chuckled. A thai girl here inside the church. Of course she won't understand. That's why I was so shocked.

"Then just look at me. You'll understand everything." I cheesily said, causing Lisa to chuckle while I did the same.

I'm pretty sure that the people in front of us and on the back are annoyed because we're noisy.

Then suddenly, it's already the communion rite. I stood up, squeezing Lisa's hand. "Be right back. Just stay here, alright?" Lisa nodded, giving me a smile.

I quickly fall on line and I kept looking back to see if Lisa's alright.

"The body of Christ." The Priest said.

"Amen." After I received the bread, I quicken my pace to go to Lisa.

"What does it taste like?" She asked when I kneeled down.

I frowned. "Bread. But without spices, you know."

She kneeled down beside me too. "No, I don't know. I'm not a master chef." I mentally rolled my eyes. I could give her the bread inside my mouth... just kidding.

Lisa's POV

The mass has ended with a clap by the crowd.

"Take care of my Princess for me, alright?" Mr. Park whispered, causing me to look shocked.

Mrs. and Mr. Park with Alice unnie left me with Chae.

"What did he whisper?" Chae suddenly asked, linking her arm with mine.

I shrugged and gave her a kiss in the lips. She looks shocked, hiding her lips with her other hand.

"Yah, Lalisa! We're still inside the church!" Chae half whispered and half yelled.

I shrugged again. "So what?"

"Roseanne is gay?" I heard someone asked. I turned my head to my left side and saw three boys and two girls around our age wearing a white clothing.

"Such a disgrace." I heard the boy with glasses said. I gave that boy a death glare. Who is he to say that to my girl?

I was about to attack that fucker but Chae tightened her grip around my arm. "Don't. They're part of the choir here in the church." I looked at her in disbelief.

"Aren't you a choir member here also like 3 years ago?" Then my gaze went back to the boy who's smiling cockily at me like begging for me to punch him, hard.

"Yeah... so don't." Chae mumbled, pulling me out of the church.

Before going outside, I raised my middle finger up to let them see clearly. And I mouthed "FUCK YOU"

When Chae saw what I did, she said, "Yah! You're so crazy, Pranpriya Manoban!" She called me Pranpriya. I chuckled. This girl just called me Pranpriya, she usually calls me Pokpak so I'm a bit surprised.

I shrugged. "I'm always crazy for you, Love." I said, mocking her aussie accent. Then she blushed, hard.

She turned away, pulling me. "Whatever. Let's just go." I smiled, my little Rosé hiding the fact that she's blushing.


HAPPY 5K READSSS!! 😭😭💜 THANKS GUYS. I've finally reached my target! 💜 Next, target is 10k! 😍💜 Thanks again, mwuah 💋

After I finish this story, I don't know whether to write another ChaeLisa fanfic or a JenSoo fanfic. What do you guys want?
Actually, in my notebook, I've got 6 story ideas about Blackpink. 3 for Chaelisa and 3 for Jensoo 😂 I just don't know what to write first. So yeah. Chaelisa or Jensoo? Help mehhhh.

THANKS AGAIN 💋💜 You guys are the best!

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