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Lisa's POV

"Hey, what's wrong?" Rosé asked, wiping my tears.

"Me and Dad had a fight earlier." I whispered, looking down.

She continued rubbing her fingers to my cheeks. "Do you want to sleep at my house tonight?" She whispered, kissing my forehead.

I nodded. "Okay then. Cheer up, Pokpak." She said smiling. We both got off my car and went inside.

I was greeted by Chaeyoung's big sister, Alice.

"Yah! Unnie, you're here but you didn't pick me up?" Chaeyoung asked her sister.

"You didn't text me. Duh." Alice unnie said while smacking Chaeyoung in the head and went up to me. She gave me a hug and a pat in the head.

She gave me a weird look, I think she's wondering why my eyes and nose are red and puffy. She ignored that though and greeted me.

"Hey, Lalisa! You two having a sleepover?" She asked, pinching my cheeks. I nodded and smiled.

"Unbelievable. I waited 1 hr in school and my big sis is here, relaxing." Chae whispered while shaking her head. Then it was followed by rolling her eyes at her big sister.

"Yah! I heard you! Be thankful that I'm your sister, will you?" Alice unnie said, patting Chae in the head and pinching her cheeks, hard.

"It hurts! It hurts! Stop it, you old woman!" Chae whined like a baby, pushing Alice unnie aside.

"Tsk. Ungrateful sister. You both should eat. It's already 6:40." Alice unnie said, walking straight to the stairs.

We both went to the kitchen and ate.

Rosé's POV

After we ate, we went to my room to take a bathe.

"Here." I gave Lisa an oversized shirt with a short.

She said thanks and went inside the bathroom.

I sighed. Why did Lisa and her Dad fight this time? Her Dad's giving her a hard time.

I took my phone from my bed and checked my instagram.

Someone commented to my post 1 day ago. I opened it and it was Jb who commented.

"Looking pretty, Rosé :)" That's what it said. I chucked. Should I reply to his comment or nah?

"What are you chuckling about Chae?" My phone almost flew out of my room because of shock.

I looked at the person who surprised me. "Yah! Are you trying to kill me?" I yelled at Lisa.

"It's because you were busy looking at something in your phone that you didn't even notice me!" She scoffed, crossing her arms while looking at me. I ignored her though. Because I was busy looking at her.

I looked at her from head to toe. God, she's only wearing a shirt and a short but why does she look so hot?

I gulped. Why is the room getting so hot? Or is it just me?

"Chae, you alright? You look so red." Lisa asked, touching my forehead.

I moved back and held her hand. "I'm fine. Imma gonna take a bathe now." I said, not even looking at her.

Rosé, stop thinking about that. She'll only see you as a best friend.

After I took a bathe, I quickly went out and saw Lisa laying in bed while her fingers are scrolling down to her phone.

I jumped off to the bed and tickled Lisa but she fought back and now, Lisa's tickling me. She's on top of me, sitting in my belly. I can't stop laughing.

"Lisa-- HAHA! YAH! STOP! HAHA!" I said between my laughters.

"You dare tickle me, huh?!" Lisa asked smiling while still tickling me.

Ohmygod, I'm gonna die because of laughter! My cause of death will be like: Died because of laughter. And I don't want that.

I pushed her off the bed but before she fell, she held my arm and we both fell off. My knees hurt.

"Yah! If you're gonna fall, don't take me wit---" I didn't get the chance to finish off my sentence because when I opened my eyes, she's staring straight at me with an innocent look and our faces are few inches apart!

I blushed and quickly hid my face in Lisa's shoulder. I swear to God, if this scene happened again, I'm gonna kiss her.

And she smells so good. Her scent is too good. I just wanna cuddle and smell her all day.

"Chae? You alright?" Lisa asked, tapping my back.

"I'm fine. Though, my knees hurt. How about you?" I whispered, resting my chin to her shoulder.

"My butt hurts." She whimpered. I chuckled and got up. I extended my arms to her and held her hands. I helped her get up and we both laid in the bed.

Did I mentioned that the rain is still here and hasn't stopped yet?

"The rain is strong." Lisa said while looking out at the window.

I was about to say something but the thunder and lightning stopped me. And great, the electricity went out. Are we lucky or what?


Sorry for the late update, Blinks. For APINK, I slept late last night. (I'm a Pink Panda, Blink and an Alice.) I'm preparing for their comeback tomorrow 💜

And sorry for all of my errors/mistakes while doing this story. English is my second language. I'm a Filipino (Kaya pakshet nung ginawa ko tong story, akala ko duduguin na ilong ko eh. Hi sa mga pinoy blinks HAHAHA). So yeah, please bear with me. And thanks for the support guys! :>

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