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Lisa's POV

FINALLY! Hell hour is over! I quickly packed my things to my bag.

"What happened to you and Pasta?" Jisoo unnie approached me while holding a water bottle in her hand.

"We overslept. Good thing we're not late." I said, taking her water bottle and drank it.

"Wow. Is that your water? No, it's mine!" Jisoo unnie said, taking back the water bottle, almost splashing the water in my clothing.

"Good thing you two are not late. Remember the interview?" Jisoo unnie asked while giving me a scared plus a disgusted look.

"How could I forget? That was like my worst day of my life." I said remembering the interview. Can't wait to see that witch getting fired.

Jisoo unnie said something but I didn't hear it because Bambam attacked me from behind.

"I thought you won't show up today." He said ruining my bangs. I hate it when he does that.

"You thought wrong. So now, move! Gayshit!" I said, pushing him aside to make way for Chae and Jennie unnie.

"Ouch! Totally not gay, Pokpak! You dork!" Bambam yelled while the other members of Got7 pulled him out of the classroom.

"Your boy best friend is so weird." Jennie unnie said, still looking at the door where Bambam got pulled.

"Tell me about it." I said, rolling my eyes. My eyes went to Chae and she's doing something to her phone. I wonder what she's doing to her phone. Like last night, she was chuckling while looking at her phone. I'm getting curious. You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.

"Soooo... Lisa and Chae, why were you guys together earlier?" Jennie unnie asked, breaking my thoughts and smiling like an idiot while raising both of her eyebrows up and down.

"We had a sleepover." I said while we turned around the hallway. Our next class is in 3rd floor and currently... we're still in the 1st floor searching for the stairs. We seriously need an Elevator to this school.

"Oh. So did SOMETHING happened to your sleepover?" Jennie unnie asked, still smiling. More like grinning at me. What does she even mean? She's creeping me out.

"Aside from the thunder and lightning incident, No, nothing happened." I said, frowning. Chae's busy with her phone so I'm the only one answering Jennie unnie's confusing questions.

Jennie unnie rolled her eyes and turned to Jisoo unnie. "Why is our maknae too innocent?" Jennie unnie asked Jisoo unnie with a confused look.

"Maybe Chae will take the first step, Jendeukie. Don't give our maknae a hard time." Jisoo unnie said patting my head. Wait, what?

We're currently walking to the stairs and Chae is still busy with her phone. I looked at Chae who is right behind me. She might trip. What's so important with that damn phone?

I backed down from the stair and linked my arm to Chae. "You might trip. I'll hold you. Just continue what you're doing." I said when Chae looked at me, suprised.

She nodded and smiled at me and then she went back to her phone.

"Our babies are growing up, Honey." Jisoo unnie said acting like a mother while looking at Jennie unnie.

"I know, Hon. I know." Jennie unnie said resting her hands in her chest, being dramatic.

I don't get them sometimes. I shook my head and continued walking. Weirdos.

When we got to the second floor, my arm is still linked in Chae's. I don't want to pull it off. She keeps me calm.

I looked at Chae's phone and she's chatting with someone on instagram. I wonder who.

And when I saw the username clearly... guess who guys.

It's JB.

"When did you and Jb got close?" I asked, surprised at my words.

Chae looked at me and tilted her head. "Yesterday?" She said with a question mark look.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said, pulling off my arm and quicken my pace. What is this feeling?

Chae quickly held my hand and pulled me towards her, making me look at her in the eyes. Why does my stomach feel so uncertain whenever I met Chae's eyes?

"I'm sorry. I don't know. We just talked yesterday and now he chatted me on insta and I think it's rude if I don't reply back." She said, panicking. More like rapping. She's cute when she's like this. She's always cute anyways.

"You're forgiven." Only because I can't stand you like this. This feeling... I have never felt like this before. What is this...?

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