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Rosé's POV

The party was already wild when we got here. Loud music, teenagers drinking and having fun, and many are kissing too. I always cringe whenever I past at teenagers kissing. I mean, can't they just do that in a room? Like seriously. Get a room horny people!

Jennie unnie and Jisoo unnie are not helping at all because they're touchy touchy to each other. They should get a room too.

"Chae..." Lisa mumbled, snaking her arms around my waist. "Let's get drunk!" She said, giving me a kiss in the lips.

I pulled back. "No thanks. You go drink. I'll just watch you." She pouted and did her specialty, aegyo. "Please?" She said, acting cute.

I sighed. How can I say no to her?
I slowly nodded. It's not that bad, right?

She jumped up and down while clapping and she pulled me straight to the kitchen. She took 2 red cups and filled it with... okay? I don't know what's that. I think it's a beer and wine combined.

She handed me the cup with a huge grin. I mentally rolled my eyes. Oh pokpak.

I took the cup, giving her an unsure look. You see, I'm not good dealing with Alcohol. 10 shots and I'm already drunk. There's no drugs in the drinks, right? I'm just overthinking things. I mean, Chorong unnie and Nayeon unnie won't allow drugs at their own party. Like hello, the president and the vice? That would be like a miracle if they allow it.

She gave me a kiss to the corner of my lips. "Trust me, Babe." She whispered before pulling back.

"On the count of three. One, two, three!" And we both emptied our cup. My face immediately turned into a disgusted look. How can someone drink this like it's just a water?

Lisa chuckled at my reaction and then she pulled me into a kiss. My hand went to her neck, pulling her deeper. Her hands are roaming around my body then settled to my butt.

She pulled back, giving me a satisfied smile. "That's my good girl." She whispered huskily before pulling me again for a kiss. She stepped forward, pinning my body to the table and lifting me up. My legs are now wrapped around her waist while I'm sitting in the table, still not breaking the kiss. I moaned when she bit my tongue. I heard her chuckle between our kiss. Geez...

"Woah! Oh. My. God. I'm so sorry!" Someone yelled from behind us, breaking our moment. I know that voice...

I looked behind Lisa and saw Tzuyu with Chaeyoung. It's weird. I'm Chaeyoung and she's Chaeyoung and when I call her, it feels like I'm calling myself. Do you get me?

(Chaeyoung of Twice

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(Chaeyoung of Twice.)

"We saw nothing! We swear!" Chaeyoung panicked, waving her hands while her eyes are closed. While Tzuyu burried her face on her hands, red as a tomato.

Lisa gave them a chuckle. "Sure, you saw nothing." Chaeyoung stopped waving her hands and burried her face too because of embarrassment.

Then Nayeon unnie came out of nowhere, giving us an apologetic smile, dragging the two out the kitchen.

"Well... that was..." I said, tilting my head. "Weird." I added.

Lisa gave me a laugh. "And awkward too." She added, giving me a peck in the lips. She refilled her cup and chug another shot. Unbelievable.

Then the song was changed into Boombayah and Lisa immediately let go of her cup, dragging me outside. "LET'S DANCE!" She screamed with excitement.

When we got into the living room, Lisa dance to the beat, swaying her hips and doing sexy moves.

"Come on, Chaeng!" She said, snaking her arms behind my back and swaying.

My arms went to the back of her neck and I danced. Feeling the rhythm, swaying my hips along side with Lisa.

I stopped dancing when someone suddenly bumped into me, giving me a dirty grin.

"Ooppss, sorry babe. You look good while dancing, but you'll look better if you take that jacket off." The guy, who bumped into me said. Wait... I know him.

Then I suddenly remembered that he's our classmate! The one who yelled kissing booth. Remember him?

Lisa became angry, she formed her hands into a fist while giving the guy a death glare. "Fuck off." Lisa said, angrily. I held her arm, signalling her that I'm fine.

"Ohhhhh~ Miss Barbie Doll is mad! What are you gonna do? Put me to jail? Oh please." He mocked Lisa, making her angrier.

The guy looked at me, and smirked. "I bet your girl here will be good in bed too." Then suddenly, Lisa snapped, giving the guy a kick in his gems... or balls? Whatever. I'm not interested in a male's private part anyway.

When the guy fell down to his knees, Lisa gave another kick to his face. That must hurt. I think I heard his nose break. I think Lisa broke it. She's that strong?

I stopped her. "Babe... it's okay. Please stop." I said, holding her hand using my left hand and rubbing her back using my right hand.

"Messed with us again, I'll cut your dick off! Bastard!" Lisa yelled to the guy who is now screaming because of pain. Not only that, his nose is bleeding too... also his mouth.

Everyone stopped dancing because of the scene that happened.

Then Chorong unnie came out of nowhere with Bomi unnie.

"What happened?" Chorong unnie asked, switching glances to the guy screaming and to us.

"This bastard disrespected my girl!" Lisa growled, still angry. Chorong unnie's cute face turned into a scowl, understanding what Lisa meant.

Chorong unnie went between them, giving Lisa a pat in the head. "Let us handle this." She smiled innocently then turned into an evil smile.

Chorong unnie turned away from us and gave another kick to the guy's face and I heard the guy's teeth crashed to each other, making his mouth bleed.

I was shocked. I forgot that Chorong unnie is a third dan black belter in Hapkido while Bomi unnie is a third dan black belter in taekwondo.

But still, this is the first time I saw Chorong unnie do that.

Chorong unnie kneeled down, grabbing the guy's hair, letting him see her. "The next time you'll do that, you'll be expelled. You hear me?" Chorong unnie asked nicely that gave shivers down to my spine. She's scary. So that explains why Namjoo, Hayoung and Naeun unnie are afraid of Chorong unnie. She's a yandere.

The guy coughed blood before nodding. Chorong unnie clapped her hands happily. "Good." Then she stood up, giving us a wink and went straight to Bomi unnie who's paralyzed to what happened. She's afraid of Chorong unnie too? I mean how can someone be that small and at the same time, powerful?

A group of boys picked the pervert guy off the floor and went flying off the living room.

I heard Chorong unnie mumbled "I hate perverts" while Bomi unnie just nodded. Bomi unnie faced the crowd, yelling "Okay guys, shows over! Continue what you were doing!" before walking off with Chorong unnie. The people did what they were told.

I glanced at Lisa, who's still frowning while her hands still turned into a fist.

Then the song was changed into Stay.

I cupped her cheek and crashed my lips to hers. I pulled back, smiling. "Thanks... for standing up against me." And gave her another kiss.

Stay stay stay with me.

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