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Rosé's POV

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I screamed at the rain.

I didn't bring my bike today because Mom said that she'll pick me up.

But earlier, Mom texted me that she'll be late picking me up because something happened at her work.

Why the heck it has to rain today?! It's already 5:30 and Mom should have picked me up at 4:40 but noooo, something happened at work. Stupid work.

And you know what's worse? I DIDN'T BRING MY UMBRELLA!!! I didn't know that it will rain today. Tsk. I should really start listening to the news about the weather condition before going to school.

"STUPID RAIN!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Gosh, this is embarrassing. I'm embarrassing. There are only few students here so my embarrassment will only be seen by few. So maybe I don't mind that much.

"Woah. What did the rain do to you?" Someone asked from behind me. I quickly turned around and saw Jb.

"It ruined my evening! That's what it did!" I shouted.

He chuckled. "Wow. Just wow. The rain is innocent though." He said sitting in the waiting area.

"Whatever. Why are you still here? Classes ended up like 1 hour ago." I asked crossing my arms while looking at him.

"Basketball practice." After he said that, my mouth formed into an 'O'.

Is there a competition? I mean, Jisoo unnie practiced volleyball, too, earlier and now basketball too?

Speaking of Jisoo unnie, she left me. TOGETHER WITH JENNIE UNNIE AND LISA! They didn't even wait for me. Psh. Some friends they are.

And once again, awkward silence filled the air.

"So... why aren't you with Got7?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"So... why aren't you with Blackpink?" He said, mimicking me.

I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "Stop that."

He did the same and mimicked me again.

I scoffed. "Are you gay?" I asked.

"What?! Heck! NO!" He said, waving his hands.

"Then stop mocking me." I said while sticking out my tongue.

"You should get going, it's already dark." I said, looking up at the trees. Should I summon Jisoo unnie? I'll hurt the trees and she'll come, right? I mean, I think Jisoo unnie loves the trees more than us. Like, seriously.

"How about you?" Jb asked with a forehead creased.

"I'll wait for my Mom." I said leaning back to the chair.

"Do you want me to drop you off?" Jb asked smiling.

I was about to answer him but someone pulled me, making me stand up.

"No need, Jb. I'll drop her off." I looked beside me and saw... Lisa? What is she doing here? I thought she went home?

"Oh... okay. Bye Rosé. Bye Lis." He quickly bowed and opened his umbrella and went to his car.

"Let's go, Chae." Lisa said, holding my hand and pulled me to the parking lot with an umbrella to her right hand.

She let go of my hand and held my waist and pulled me closer to her. I blushed at her movements. Stop overthinking this, Chae, she's only doing this so that you won't get wet because of the rain. My inner self said.

When we got to the car, we quickly went inside.

She leaned closer to me and grabbed the seatbelt. I miss her scent. She secured my safety and she secured hers, too.

"Why are you here, Lisa?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"To pick you up. Why? Disappointed that I ruined your moment with Jb?" She asked, starting the engine.

My eyebrows furrowed. "You're acting weird again, Lisa."

She quickly looked at me and looked at the road. And how does she even know that I'm still at school?

She scoffed. "Why won't you just be thankful that I came back?" She asked, turning the wheels.

"I am thankful." I said, crossing my arms while looking at her.

"Oh really?" She snickered. What's wrong with her? I didn't reply to her because I'm speechless. And If I replied, I think I'll make her mood worse.

When we got to my house, she parked her car in the garage.

I undid my seatbelt and was torn whether to speak to her or just leave her.

I sighed. I'll always care for Lisa.

I looked at her and she's looking outside the window.

I grabbed her hand in the steering wheel. "Look, Lis. If something's wrong, you can tell me." I said, rubbing my thumb to her hand.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is perfectly fine." She mumbled. I was about to say something but my phone vibrated.

I let go of her hand and took my phone from my pocket. I unlocked my phone and I received a text from Mom.

From: Mom
~ I won't be home today. Sorry, sweety. Are you already at home? I can't pick you up. Sorry for making you wait.

I sighed. It's always like this. If Mom's not home, Dad's not home too. And Maybe, my big sister is not home too.

I looked at Lisa and she's still looking outside. I sighed. She's always like this. If she doesn't want to tell me what's wrong then fine.

I was about to get off the car but I heard her sobbed. Is she crying?

I grabbed hold of her face and made her look at me. I felt her warm tears flow from both of my hands and when we made eye contact, my heart melted. She is crying.

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