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Rosé's POV

My throat hurts because of all that screaming. How can Chorong unnie be that scary? Can someone please explain? And the lights flicking off and on did not help at all. And how can Naeun do this to me? She led me to a trap! I can't believe what happened earlier. It felt like we were on a horror movie. And Lisa and I will be the stupid couple that will be killed first. I mean come on, most of the horror movies, stupid couples get killed first. But Lisa and I are not stupid though. Or are we? Maybe slight. A little.

Currently, I'm on my way home with my bike, of course. Lisa had to go home early because her Dad called. I hope she won't come at me, crying again. I hate her Dad to be honest.

"Yah! You!" I immediately stopped my bike when someone called me from behind. I looked back and saw... Jungkook with Taehyung. Where are the others?

I raised my eyebrow at them while they come closer. What do they want now?

They stopped 10 inches away from me. As usual, they're wearing their cocky smiles.

"You should stay away from Lisa. She's mine." Jungkook said, running his fingers through his hair. Gross...

"Yours?" I scoffed. "I'm sorry. For all I know is that she's mine the moment we met." Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating about the moment we met thing but nahhh, whatever. Back to my speech. "You sound like a creepy stalker. You should be the one who needs to stay away from her, creep." I said with venom coming from my mouth. Of course, I'm just kidding. Oh how I wish I can be a snake for a moment and I'll give this Jungkook a venom. Then no more Jungkook existing.

"Whatever. But don't say I didn't warn you. Ciao~" He said, stepping back then turned around while saluting me. Taehyung followed looking like he's disgusted at me.

And with that, they left me confused. What? I quickly tossed my thoughts away then I continued my biking.

I'll call Lisa later. You always call her, duh.

I put my bike beside my unnie's car then I quickly went in, holding my phone.

To: Lisa Baby
~ Yah, Pokpak. You there? I need to tell you something.

"What you doin' lil sis?" I almost dropped my phone.

I looked up and saw my unnie. "Yah, you gave me a fright!" I said, slapping her shoulder.

"Most people say, YOU SCARED ME. Weirdo." Then she walked out of the living room. Ever heard of the movie 'The Parent Trap'? Weirdo.

I kept texting Lisa but not a single reply came. I kept calling her but I think her phone is switched off. What's going on?

Lisa pick it up alreadyyyyyyyyy... I'm getting more nervous minute by minute.

Why isn't she picking up?

"Hey... relax. She's fine. Just relax. She'll reply. Don't overthink too much." And again, I almost dropped my phone.

"CAN YOU PLEASE STOP THAT?!" Unnie just chuckled and went to the kitchen.

"You're so obsessed." I heard her whispered before opening the fridge. I am not! Just a little...

I felt a vibration coming from my phone. I quickly opened it and went to messages.

From: Lisa Baby
~ Hey... sorry for not replying. My phone's dead. I can't right now. I'll just go to your house tomorrow, alright? Just don't call me now. I'm quite busy at the moment. I'm sorry, Babe. Don't worry, I'll fix this. I love you. Don't reply.

I felt relieved when I saw Lisa's message but what does she mean by "I'll fix this"? And what? "Don't reply"? It's like she's saying that she doesn't want to talk to me.

I dialed Jisoo unnie's number. Great, no answer too. I dialed it again and again and again and again. And at last, she picked up.

"What the hell, Park Chaeyoung?!" Jisoo unnie shouted. Is she panting? And why is her voice so hoarse?


"I'm sorry!" Then I ended the call. This will be awkward on monday. At least I got my revenge on them because Jennie unnie keeps on interrupting my moments with Lisa. Sometimes Jisoo unnie too.

Okay, who to call?! Anyone?!

A light bulb suddenly went in my head. EUNJI UNNIE. I'm sure she's not panting because she's not in a relationship.

I dialed her number and with just one ring, she already picked it up.

"Yessss, my flower?" Eunji unnie sang.

"I think Lisa's in trouble but she doesn't want me to meddle. Unnie, what to doooo?" I blurted out.

"Inhale, exhale. Just give her time to think thennnnn..." A long pause. Then she spoke again. I thought she ended the call. "Okay I don't know. I've never been in a relationship before. I'm useless when it comes to this." I felt her inhaled then exhaled.

"Okay, justttt relax. If she needs you, she'll be with you. Just trust her. Trust, Chae." My heart beat became normal because of what Eunji unnie said.

"She loves you and she won't do anything stupid to ruin your relationship. Do you understand?" She's right.

"Now, I sound like Bomi unnie. Namjoo's calling me. Bye, Chaeyoung. Have rest. Sleep is the only solution, gurl!" Then she ended the call.

But why do I still feel like something's bad gonna happen? That Jungkook is like a black cat. Always bringing misfortune.


Sorry for not updatingggg. Busy at school :(((

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