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I pulled Sarah through the crowd, trying to find good seats in the stadium. It was Hufflepuff against Gryffindor, and there was a pretty good turn out, despite the weather. Not only was it freezing, it rained, pretty heavily. We squeezed under the small canopy, barely shielding us from the rain.

"You have to be there!! It's going to be a great game! One you wouldn't want to miss!" Sarah mocked, trying to imitate what George said to us earlier. "Now were out here, freezing our arses off, looking like drenched rats." I laughed, but elbowed her in the side. "Be nice. He just wanted you to be here to watch him." "Well I could have been, from inside, in the warmth." She grumbled.

"It's better to get the full experience anyways." I said, wrapping another blanket around the two of us. "He owes me... Bloody owes me.." I rolled my eyes, and handed the girl a lollipop from my bag, trying to tame her nagging.

Lee Jordan's voice boomed over the loud speaker, describing the game that was about to start. "It's a wet one, folks! But, this should be a nice, clean game!" And everyone started cheering. Both teams arrived onto the field, seeming ready to get the game over with. Oliver Wood and Cedric Diggory shook hands, and everyone mounted their brooms. The quaffle was released, and everyone took off. Harry sat high, above the stadium, fidgeting with his goggles.

I felt bad for him, I knew he probably could barely see. Someone with perfect vision could barely see through this thick fog, but the game progressed on. Gryffindor scored a few points, gaining a lead, but not for long, as Hufflepuff racked up a few of their own. I had to admit, they were pretty good.. Fred and George flew close together, passing the bludger between them. George passed it to his brother for a final time, before Fred sent it flying in the opposite direction with a snap. He saw me watching his swift movements, and sent me a wink.

"Bloody flirt." Sarah teased, smiling at me. "Speak for yourself." I chirped as George watched us both. He pushed his drenched hair out of his eyes, and gave Sarah a wide grin. "It seems Harry Potter has caught site of the golden snitch!" Lee cheered, as Harry raced off towards the sky. I watched his careful, as he disappeared through the clouds, Cedric tailing behind him.

It became oddly quiet, as everyone sat on the edge of their seats, waiting for a glimpse of one of the two teens. A black cloak danced across the sky. "Dementors." I breathed, throwing the blankets off me. "Elizabeth! What in God's name!?" Sarah called after me, but I raced to the edge of the seats. I pointed my wand aiming for anything that moved. Then a dark figured swooped in front of me.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I screamed, sending a blue wolf, running into the sky. Dementors screeched and fled the scene, as a figured covered in red and gold plummeted towards the ground. The crowd gasped and screamed, as I jumped over a few students, aiming for Harry. "Arresto Momentum!" my wand followed Harry, as he slowed down, and landed softly into a muddy puddle on the ground.

Cedric appeared with the snitch, and the Hufflepuff's cheered, ending the game. I raced down the stairs, running onto the field. Dumbledore and a few other teachers were already there. "What in Merlin's name was that all about?" Fred asked coming beside me, staring at Harry's body. "Elizabeth, was that-" "Dementors, yes." I shivered, interrupting Professor McGonagall. Dumbledore casted a stretcher, and lifted Harry onto the floating bed.

Fred took off his damp cloak, and slipped it around my shoulders. It was a little warmer than my long sleeved shirt, and I smiled at him. "Thank you for your quick thinking, Miss Black. I wasn't paying attention as Mr. Potter fell. Would you mind escorting me to the Hospital Wing?" Professor Dumbledore asked, raising an eye at me. I nodded, and followed beside the headmaster.


"You're a bright witch, Elizabeth. Just like your mother. I expected you belonged in Ravenclaw, like she was, until I saw how selfless you were." The professor smiled, as we inched closer to the castle. "With morals like that, I see your father, burning inside you." I swallowed hard, knowing he was going to mention something about him. "I've been noticing how tense you've been since we all arrived back at Hogwarts, but Elizabeth, you have to promise me.." He stopped and looked at he sternly. "You must hold onto the truth.. For what you believe in is right."

I stared blankly at the man in front of me. "Headmaster, what are you talking about?" He smiled and continued walking, entering the Hospital Wing. "The time will come for you to face the truth. Only then will you understand the truth." I shook my head, even more confused. "What the hell." I muttered, following him into the wing.

After Madam Promfrey examined Harry over, their was already a large crown circling around Harry. The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff team, Ron and Hermione filled the room with booming voices. "I'm going to talk to Hooch about a rematch." Cedric said, looking at Wood, who waved him off. "You put up a good fight, my friend. The match was fair, celebrate your victory." Guilt still covered the boy's face, as Harry began to stir. "The snitch.." Harry muttered.

"You fall hundreds of feet, and your first concern is quidditch. Honestly, Harry-" "He's got his priorities straight." Wood interrupted me, earning an eye roll from me and Hermione. "I fell?" Harry asked, now sitting up. Hermione nodded. "Dementors. They flooded the stadium. Dumbledore is extremely angry about it too, he is sending them back to their posts now." Harry sighed. "Did someone get my broom?" Ron looked down sheepishly. "What? Where is it?" He pressed. The ginger set a blanket on the bed, showing the remains of the Nimbus 2000.

"Once you fell, it flew right into the Whomping Willow.. And you know.." Harry leaned back, looking at the ceiling. Everyone cringed looking at the crushed broom, and the crowd decreased. Fred smiled at me from across the room. I squeezed Harry's arm, before walking over towards the door. I handed him his cloak back. "You always look good in my clothes." I blushed, and rolled my eyes. "I better go find Sarah, she has all my stuff." He waved me off. "She and George already took it back to the common room.. But, I do have a question?" He asked, earning my full attention.

He seemed nervous; he always licked his lips a lot when he was nervous. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date tonight?" He grabbed my hand, licking his lips again. Honestly, I was surprised. "Yeah.. I'd like that actually." I breathed, trying to play it cool. Weight seemed to float off the boy in front of me. "Great! Meet me outside the common room around, 6?" He seemed to bounce, as he strode away from me. I nodded, and smiled, as he ran back down to the locker rooms.

What has gotten in to me lately? I wasn't sure, but judging by the way my heart jumped, I liked it.

Black {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now