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It was Christmas Eve, and I was slumped on the couch with a muggle 'heat pad' stuck on my back that Hermione let me borrow.

This is where I have resided to all day.

Everyone else was rushing around, making the last preparations for Christmas and the Yule Ball tomorrow.

Luckily, I had already mastered my makeup charms, and I was a Metamorphmagus, so I didn't have to worry about my hair either. All my gifts had been shipped to the Burrow, since Dad and Remus should be waiting for us the second the ball is over. Dumbledore made us special arrangements to use the Floo in his office so we wouldn't have to travel all day the next day.

I was more excited to relax at home than to go to the ball. But it was just one of those things you just couldn't miss.

I curled up further into my blanket, thinking of taking a nap, when I heard Ginny and Hermione chirping away with Sarah, who was trying to teach them fancy charms for makeup. At least that's what they had been talking about for the past hour, but they were gossiping about boys now, which peaked my interest.

"He's definitely cute, but a total git." Ginny whispered as they eyeballed a curly blonde that walked by. He looked like he was in Ginny's year. Hermione's eyes scanned across the room and landed on Harry and Ron, and something about the look across her face made me interrupt. "So which boy do you have your eye on then, Hermione?"

She blushed scarlet, and I knew I caught her red handed. "No one." She said, quickly turning back to Ginny, who now wagged her eyebrows at the girl. "I bet it's Harry." Sarah said, smiling at the girl, who only shook her head. "It's Ron, isn't it!" I threw a pillow at her, which she barely caught. "I have no idea what you're talking about!" Ginny cooed and Hermione covered her face with her hands.

"It's literally the smallest crush I've ever had, I'm sure it will go away eventually." "Actually, I think you two would be good together. Ron needs that stability in his life." She blushes even harder at my comment. Before any of us could reply, the twins appeared, and squeezed in beside Hermione and Ginny, almost pushing Sarah off the edge.

"I'm sorry if we misunderstood, but none of you can date yet." "Expect for Sarah and Liz of course, but they don't count. They can't date anyone else." Ginny groaned and rolled her eyes. "Not again! And you only say that about them, but if they weren't dating you and fancied someone else, you wouldn't allow them out of eye sight!"

"Which is exactly why we didn't let them out of arm reach until they were stuck with us." "We got them wrapped under our spell." Fred added and winked at me and Sarah. "I could easily leave, right now." "But you won't." "You're right."

He smiled and gave Ginny a kiss on the cheek, before jumping on my couch, towering over me. "Get off, you're interrupting my nap time." I groaned and yanked my blanket out from under him, almost making him fall off the couch. "It's literally 7 at night. It's not even a nap time, most people are about to go to bed." Fred whined, now weaseling his way onto the couch to lay beside me.

"Let's go for a walk." He murmured into my back. "Ugh. Why?" I asked, now looking at his Carmel puppy eyes. "Because I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with you lately, and I better take what I can, before these two steal you away from me." "I mean, they kind of are you fault, because your birth control charm didn't exactly work." "Hey, be nice to me! I'm very sensitive." He smiled, and stood up, pulling me up slowly with him.

"You and talking a walk around the bloody castle at night." I muttered as we walked through the portrait hole. "What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic for walks underneath the moonlight." "Sometimes I wish I was a werewolf, just so I could get away from you." He smiled and kissed me on the lips, hard. Before I could even wrap my hands around his neck, he was pulling away, dragging me deeper into the depths of the castle.

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