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By the time I exited the train, I was the talk of the school. Everyone knew, stared, and even pointed. I just pulled my coat tighter around my body, hoping to find an empty carriage to ride the way to the castle alone. The train ride was almost unbearable. Fred nor I spoke, only Sarah and George forcing the small talk. I wanted nothing more than to sit and enjoy my friends again, but I knew better. Well, that's what my brain kept telling me too. I flicked my wand at my trunk, sending it to my dorm room. I was getting exhausted from toting the long leather around. I miss having Fred doing it for me.

I shook my head and pulled myself into a carriage and slammed the door, closing my eyes and sighing. I started to regret not staying home, I was already missing Dad. Not being able to talk to him until break literally might kill me. I just got him back, I didn't want to lose him again. The door opened quickly, and I was ready to hex the person, when I realized my wand was pointed to Harry's neck. He blinked at me a few times, before I lowered my arm, nodding to the seat across me. "Sorry, I figured it was empty, Ron and Hermione left me to ride with Sarah and the twins. I figured you were with them." I scoffed. "Oh. I see there is still tension- Right, I won't speak of it anymore." Harry rambled on, but with my stern look, he quickly silenced himself.

I stared out the window, ready for something to eat. We were starving. I felt like the twins wanted to eat on the hour, every hour. I rubbed my grumbling stomach and felt Harry's eyes on me. "Do you know what sex they are?" I smiled and shook my head. "It's almost time to find out what they are. I should find out at my next appointment, whenever that is." Harry smiled at me. "How about if they are boys, you name one Harry, and if it's a girl, Harriet." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him, who was holding in his laughter tightly. "I mean, I think it's a great idea." "Harry James, you are a cocky asshole."

Sadly, the carriages came to a stop, forcing me to face the crowd again. Harry looped his arm through mine. "Come on, I'll pull you through. Everyone is too busy staring at me, and well, now you, they will part like seas." I was going to protest, but I looked forward at the students around me. He was right, they were talking amongst each other, but once me and Harry inched closer, they would stop, stare, and create a path for me and the boy to quickly squeeze through. We reached the entrance hall, and Hagrid almost came running to us. Well, a fast walk for a half giant is pretty much running, right?

"'Arry! Liz! I'm so glad to see yeh!" I smiled up at the old friend who looked more excited than usual. "Is it true?" He asked in a hushed tone, looking down at me. I swallowed hard, and moved my coat a little, revealing my bump of a stomach. Hagrid smiled so wide, and clapped his hands together loudly, like a little boy. "'m so happy for yeh! Truley! An' if yeh need anything, anything at all, yeh know where to find meh!" He patted my cheek with his bear sized hand and turned to leave to the Great Hall.

Harry smirked at me, and I felt a little more confident. "Come on Liz, you'll get used to the staring. It's annoying yes, but, we will hex anyone if they say anything." I smiled at my brother beside me. "Harry, I'm used to the staring. Last year, when my dad escaped, I think I was more popular than YOU were. It's just, I don't want people to bother me. I'm not as strong as I used to be. I have to worry about two more lives now, including all of the Wealsey's, you, my dad. I'm just overwhelmed." He nodded, and rubbed my aching back. "Just know, you never have to handle anything alone. As long as you name one of the kids after me." I smacked the back of the head as we walked into the Great Hall, smiling at each other.

"If I didn't know any better, I would assume Potter was the father of those filthy blood babies." Malfoy spat, sending a shiver down my spine. "Sod off you, prick." I spat, digging my hands in my pockets. He just smirked at me. "So tell me, Black, who is the father? Which one of the Weasels are you sleeping around with now?" "You really don't want to do this, Malfoy." Harry threatened as the crowd grew around us. My anger kept boiling until a fist collided with the pale boys jaw. Fred stood back, shaking his hand out. "Me, you arrogant prick." I stared at him in shock, and then at Malfoy, who held his jaw from the stone floor, obviously embarrassed.

Black {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now