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These past few weeks have been lighter, simply because I decided that I'm going to be happy. 

But Hermione also told me that sadness makes babies sick, so I'm mildly terrified/happy.

I laid on my back in the common room, reading a letter from Molly. She finally received the photos from my previous appointment, which she already included that she was busy knitting hats and socks at the moment. Halloween was quickly approaching, keeping everyone on their toes, because the twins and Lee always seemed to be the most vicious at this time. 

"I'd rethink that, Jordan." I snapped, hearing the buzzing of one of the twins inventions behind me. "How'd you know I was behind you?" He whined from across the room, making the small bee that shoots glitter out of the back crumble to the floor. "It always seems you forget that the twins are my best friends and I know when they are around, and considering I'm the one who came up with that idea, it's pretty simple to pick out." 

"I told you not to use it on her, mate." George mumbled, currently tweaking a different product, which it looked like it wasn't looking too promising. 

Sarah bounced down the stairs, looking around the common room until her eyes landed on me, making her way over. She on the other hand, didn't hear the soft mechanical buzz. I held a letter in front of my eyes as an explosive glitter shower drenched the unsuspecting blonde. She groaned loudly, her eyes shooting to the twin in the corner. "George, you've got to be kidding me!" 

He looked just as surprised as she did.

Lee made the right decision and slipped out of the common room while she was glaring at her boyfriend. I wiped some over the over cast off my legs, then shook some out of my hair. I casted a quick scourgify over Sarah, as my twin entered the common room himself. He earned himself detention from McGonagall after making some of the Great Hall pumpkins come to life. Surprisingly, Lee and George didn't get blamed, considering they were just as guiltily.  

The hard lines around his eyes softened once he saw me, letting his school bag fall beside the couch. "George, I told you not to prank Liz with the Bee Bitz." "Oh, he didn't get Liz, he decided to pick on me! I just showered too!" Sarah shouted, still not done with the lecture she was fanning over the ginger, who had turned back to his handywork.

Fred smiled softly, Sarah's figure still slightly sparkly. I pulled out a fresh piece of parchment, getting back to my letters after being distracted. I sat up, using a book as a brace, beginning my reply to Lupin, who was updating me on what he and my father were up too. Truly, their letters to me were just them complaining about each other. Not that I minded. It gave me more leverage on being the favorite for them to fight over. Harry is great and they love him just as much, but I'm the princess, carrying tiny hungry humans for them to spoil. So I was definitely winning the sibling of the month.

I felt a blush creep on my neck as Fred peppered kisses on my cheek. "I'm so glad to be out of detention. She made me clean the desks. By hand! It was brutal. Absolutely torture." "I don't know why you're complaining, you used magic once her back was turned." "Ah, that's where you're wrong! She confiscated my wand! My fingers are bloody prunes!" 

Good for Minerva. Points in my book.

"Hard work keeps you humble, Fredrick." I said, finally looking at my partner. His long hair clouded his eyes, and I was quick to push it away. "So me and George think he have figured out how to enter the tournament." I shot him a glare and let his hair fall back in his eyes. "I know you don't like it, but just think of the winnings! That would be bloody plenty for the start up of the business!" "And you want the boasting of being underage and entering." He winked at me, grinning widely. 

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