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It's been a few days since I was able to come home, and it is finally the day of the World Cup. I woke up on the couch, it still being considerably dark outside. I slowly rose from the couch, Dad appearing to help me up. He's been keeping a close eye on me, since I have been so ill. "I've already spoken with Fred and George, and they said they don't mind helping you through the woods." "Dad, honestly, I can walk through just fine." I said, making my way to the kitchen table.

"Oh really? Is that what you said last night? Before you passed out in the shower?" Sarah shot, biting into her toast. Mom gave me the hairy eyeball over the blonde's head. "I told you, I got the water too hot." It was true, I got too hot, too fast, and got a little lightheaded. They are the ones who simply over reacted. I looked up and made awkward eye contact with Fred. We haven't particularly spoken since I was in the hospital. I don't blame him, but his distance is giving me time to actually think about what I'm going to say to him.

He took the seat beside me, loading my plate larger than the portions I served myself. "You need your strength today." He handed me the small pills I have been prescribed. One was a calcium pill, two others were pregnancy vitamins, and the other was something to help with my nausea that aids with the preeclampsia. But Fred did know, he just remembered the colors and set up a little daily pill holder out of plastic pieces from broken prank parts. The boy was smarter than he seemed.

I smiled at him, popping all them into my mouth, downing them with a shot of orange juice. I learned a few things that bothered my morning sickness. Well, my all-day sickness. Eggs, any sort of meat, expect for turkey, it seems to be the only appetizing meat at the moment, and pretty much anything that Ron mixes together, and calls 'edible'. I stared at the plate in front me, trying my best to take small bites. Fred rubbed my leg under the table, startling me. This is the first time he has touched me since before the hospital, besides helping me do daily tasks.

He grinned at me, and nodded at my plate. "That is better than last night." He remarked, noticing me actually trying. "Meal by meal." I whispered, pushing the plate away, trying to stand. Everyone's eyes shot towards me, as I made my way to the sink to wash my dishes. "I got it, Elizabeth." Mom said, holding my shoulders. "Mom, I always do the dishes." "Elizabeth.." "Mom, please. Let me do this." I pleaded. She kissed my forehead, feeling my temperature. "At least let me dry them." "Actually, let me, Molly. It's the least I could do." Sarah chirped, smiling brightly. She was oddly chipper for it being 3 am.

"So are you going to tell me what is going on? Especially why you went to the hospital? No one in the wizarding world uses the hospital unless it is serious." Sarah muttered, watching behind us to make sure no one saw, nor heard. "The time will come to tell." I whispered back, handing her another plate. "For how long, Liz? You've been sick for a month. You're worst than my sister last summer when she was- wait... NO WAY." She hissed, earning a few side glances. I stepped on her toes.

"Keep your mouth shut. And no, it's not." "You're lying. Your eye twitches when you lie." "It does not!" I fired back, feeling my pulse in my eyelid. She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. "I should have known! Really, you told me about you and Fred not using-" "Shut up, Sarah." I bit, throwing the last dish in the water. "Liz, that is enough. Come sit and talk to me." Dad ordered, looking over the paper. I was glad to avoid this conversation, so I hustled over to the seat beside him.

"You can't use the Portkey. You're too weak, and it causes.. complications. So, Amos Diggory will apparate you and him there. I nodded, running a hand across my stomach. It has become a habit of mine when I think about the baby. Or babies for that matter. He smiled at me, catching my eye. "I'm proud of you, Elizabeth. No matter what happens, okay?" I nodded, giving him a smile in return. "Alright! Grab you bags, kids! It is time to get going!"

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