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"Hermione, seriously, you don't need to take every single OWL. It's pointless." 

"But yet, you did it!"

"Which is why I'm telling you it's pointless." I replied, pulling her notes away from her. All during this free period, I've been trying to calm the very frazzled fourth year. "Seriously, enjoy your time before the exams actually creep up on you." She pursed her lips, but quickly took her notes out of hands, straightening them out again. I turned and happened to come face to face with Viktor Krum himself. He walked through the great hall, and dropped a piece of paper in the goblet, causing the brutes from his school to cheer, quickly patting him on the back.

He looked over his shoulder, throwing a wink over to mine and Hermione's direction. My jaw did everything in it's power not to fall to the floor. "Oh my god, Hermione!" I whispered, looking at the girls crimson blush. "Stoppppp." She laughed, looking back over her notes, but there was no way she was getting away from this. "So is that the mysterious boy that keep following you in the library! Finally, a boy that makes you drool, I love it." 

Hermione took that notion to smack me in the back of the head with her now rolled up notes. 

"Viktor is actually really nice. He isn't the most... vocal person. But he claims he enjoys my company, which is nice." I swooned, placing my hand over my heart. "Ah, young love. So innocent. So pure. Just use protection, seriously." 

I earned another whack. 

Soon enough, the Beauxbaton's escorted their beloved, Fleur Delacour who gracefully seemed to float across the room, flicking her folded entry into the goblet. I rolled my eyes at the boys practically hanging onto each other as the foreign girls passed. Once they finally left the hall, a louder crowd appeared, Fred and George in the middle. This even grabbed Hermione's attention.

"And what do you think you are doing, Gred and Forge?" I asked, crossing my arms, earning two wicked smiles. "Entering the Triwizard Tournament of course!" "Well lads-" "We've done it!" "Brewed it up just this morning!" They chorused each other, now addressing the crowd around them. "It's not going to work." Hermione sang my exact thoughts. Fred squeezed in between us, looping his arm around my shoulder, George looping his around Hermione. "Oh yeah?" "Why's that, Granger?" 

"You see this?" Hermione stated, tracing the outline of the blue line. "This is an Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself." "So?" Fred said, looking unfazed, causing me to roll my eyes. Hermione slammed her book closed, looking closely at the twins. "SO, a genius like Dumbledore, couldn't possibly be fooled by something as pathetically dim witted as an Aging Potion!" "AH, but that's why it's so brilliant." Fred started and George finished with "Because it is pathetically "dim witted "." Fred kissed my cheek and smiled at his brother. 

"Ready Fred?" Ready, George." "Bottoms up!" They cheered, as I prepared myself to come to their rescue when this went south. They jumped over the line together, room becoming tense, before cheering erupted from both them, and their fan base. I clapped slowly, wanting to believe that the boys really did out clever Dumbledore, but knowing they weren't that clever. On their second ready, they threw the pieces into the fire, earning more cheers, but I watched the cup, as it almost instantly rejected the parchment, sending a stream of blue straight into each boy, causing them to shoot backwards across the hall. 

"Blimey, boys! Are you alright?" I asked, rushing over to them. I quickly swallowed my words, laughing loudly as they both sat up, facing each other with hair white as snow, with beards to match." "You said-" "But you said!" They each yelled, before grabbing at each other, wrestling like toddlers. The crowd quickly closed in, chanting, squishing me out of the way. After about a minute of the squabble, I was able to break back through the crowd, grabbing each boy by the robe collar.  "I do believe that is enough. Unless you would like for me to write to your mum, and tell her about this performance?" 

The both grumbled different replies and pulled themselves up, dusting off their robes. The crowd boo'd, but thinned out, since all the fun was now over. "And why is it that I'm the smallest, but I always have to break up the fights?" I pressed, linking my arms through both their arms, dragging them out of the hall. "I guess you've always had that motherly instinct." Fred replied, looking older by the second. "I don't know about you, Freddy, but I kind of dig the new look." "I for one, do not." Sarah said, appearing at her boyfriend's side, tugging slightly on his new beard, causing him to wince, pulling him ahead.

"I told you it wouldn't work." I teased, stifling my laughs at the bickering couple in front of me. Fred smiled and shrugged. "It was always worth a try." "Keep up the optimism, babe, because I know Madam Promfrey isn't going to be very optimistic about you two showing up with more inflicted wounds." "Technically, this isn't a wound. And the potion should wear off." "Key word- should. But I don't believe aging potions are suppose to make you a grandfather." "Okay, Liz. I guess you're right." He mumbled, kissing my head. 

"Don't kiss me until you get that disgusting beard off." "But I thought you liked older men, babe?" "I like you as a father right now, not a grandfather, like I said." "Just think, in like 70 years, this is what I'm going to look like." I cringed. "Not 70. Maybe a 100, if not longer." He shot me a look, causing me to laugh, and I walked through the doors of the hospital wing, Madam already having a sour look on her face.

"Beside your brother, Weasley." She said sternly, looking him up and down for any injuries. "Honestly, I don't know how you deal with it." "They keep life interesting, for sure." "And here you are, about to bring two more into the wizarding world." She teased, winking at me, handing me another dose of vitamins and a vial of pain killers. "Hey, they could end up being like me." I said, heading towards the exit. "Oh please, you're just as bad. Don't flatter yourself, Miss Black." 

Well, she's not wrong. 

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