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After waking up from that reoccurring nightmare, I stayed in the common room, watching the sunrise. Slowly, students rose from their slumber, heading down to the Great Hall. I tapped my fingers on the couch, waiting for my favorite gingers. "Someone is up early!" George chirped, flopping onto the couch side me. I smiled softly, nodding. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep." I looked up at Fred, who was standing in front of me. "You look exhausted." I shrugged it off, like usual.

"I just can't sleep." I muttered, looking out the window again. "Are you having that dream again? Where their is snakes crawling out from under your bed?" Fred asked, crossing his arms. I shivered. "No, and don't remind me." Fred grinned. "Remember when you'd have nightmares, and you'd sneak into our room and sleep on the floor?" "Yeah, until that shit got old, and I would just take your bed." I laughed at the childhood memory. "I'd give up my bed for you anytime, as long as you got some sleep." He said, pulling me up from the couch. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"What'd I miss?" Sarah asked, joining our group as we exited the common room. "Nothing besides these two snogging on the couch." George teased. "I KNEW IT." She yelled triumphantly. "Beg your pardon? You knew what?" Fred pressed, just as confused as I was. "I always knew you two would end up together! You can't deny the chemistry!" I looked at her dumbfounded. Her proud expression fell. "He was joking when he said that, wasn't he?" Fred nodded. "Uh, yeah. WELL I WILL SEE YOU IN THE GREAT HALL!" She said awkwardly, before speeding off.

George was doubled over, trying to catch his breath from laughing. "Oh, that was bloody rich! RICH I tell you!" "Shut up, George!" Fred hissed. I shook my head, and pressed on into the hall. I can barely understand myself, let alone the twin's secret language, so I decided to ignore it.


After Potion's class, I had a deep pit in my chest. It started during lunch, and only got worse through out the day. I tried focusing on the classwork, but that just made my head pound. "Hey, I think I'm going to skip out on dinner tonight." I said, as the other's entered the Great Hall. The stopped and turned to me. "Are you feeling alright, Liz? Do you want us to walk you back?" Fred asked, holding onto my shoulder. I waved him off, "No, no. I'm okay. I'm just tired. I think I'll just get into bed early." The trio still eyed me warily, like I'd give out at any moment. "Really, I'm okay. Go enjoy dinner." With that, I trudged off to the common room.

I really need to work out, all these stairs are killing me. I breathed heavily, the weight on my chest almost overpowering. I squeaked out the password, and the Fat Lady gave me a concerning look. I huffed, and headed up the last flight of stairs to my dorm. My heart was beating in my ears at this point. I must be really out of shape.. I pushed open the door, only to be met with a striking blue pair. The air seemed to leave my body. "Hello, princess. It's been too long." Sirius spoke, arms open wide.

I slammed the door behind me. "What in the actual hell, are you doing here." I hissed, staring at the man in front of me. He looked extremely worn. His hair was greasy, and untamed. He smiled like a pile of dragon dung, but yet, still held a child like innocence in his eyes. "I couldn't help myself. I had to see you in person." "Who let you in here?" I barked back. "That's not important. I have to tell you something-" "I want you to stay away from me." I interrupted. His expression fell. "Wh-what?"

"You heard me. You betrayed me. You went after him, when you could of stayed with me, and we wouldn't even be in this mess!" I screamed. "Elizabeth, calm down." "Calm down? You expect me to be calm, when a man, who abandoned me, 12 years ago, who didn't even care to write his only daughter." I spat, drawing closer to his face. "I can only imagine how you feel, sweetheart-" "Don't call me those pet names, what do you want from me and Harry?" I asked, pointing my wand at his face. I didn't even understand why I was being so hostile, but I knew I couldn't trust him.. At least not yet.

He held his hands up, looking me in the eyes. "Nothing. It's not about you two." "Then who." I growled. "Peter. He's alive. And he's been here, the whole time. Disguising himself as a common garden rat." Then it hit me. "Scrabbers." I breathed. He smiled proudly. "Yes, how did you-" "The only thing they found left of Pettigrew was his finger. Scrabbers is missing a toe... And you, James and Peter were all unregistered animigus... flying below the radar this whole time.."

"I always knew you were a clever girl.. Are you feeling well? You look like you've seen a ghost." Then it all faded black.


The Gryffindor's headed back to their common room, only to find The Fat Lady missing from the portrait. Scratches littered across the painting. Dumbledore yelled across the hall. "Flich, gather the ghost, we have to find The Fat Lady!" "No need, Professor." Flich replied, standing under the photo, as The Fat Lady appeared over a hippopotamus. "It was him! He was in the castle." Fear flooded Dumbledore's face. "ALL STUDENTS HEAD BACK TO THE GREAT HALL. Minerva, make sure no one is inside the dorms. Severus, do the same." "Albus. His daughter is here. It's doesn't look go either."


Fred scanned the halls, looking for the dark headed girl. "Do you see her?" He called to his twin, as a sea of students fled past them. Rumours flying about what happened. "I can't believe he attacked his own daughter." a student exclaimed. Fred grabbed them by the collar. "What did you just say?" "McGonagall went inside to check the dorms, and found her inside. From the expression on her face, it didn't seem well." Fred dropped the student, and ran toward the common room

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