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Everyone gasped as the two flew out of the way.

"Liz!" Fred cried, as his brother held him back. The fully transformed professor, breathed heavily. ​​​​​​It slowly turned towards the crowd, snarling. The crew started to slowly back away. "Wait." Hermione said, stopping. "Hermione, have you gone mad!?" George snapped, guarding Sarah. She shot him a glare, and persisted onto the werewolf.

"Professor? Professor Lupin?" She asked, looking at the creature. It howled, sending her fleeing back to the group. Snape emerged, grabbing Harry. "There you are, Potter!" His sneer quickly fell, as he felt the wolf, breathing on his neck. Turning his back to the group, he shielded the students. Lupin raised his arm, knocking the group sideways. The Werewolf growled, heading for another attack, when two black dogs attacked from behind.

"Liz, no!" Fred screamed as the smaller dog was thrown to the side. Still, she persisted on protecting her friends, while helping her father. But, the werewolf was no match for two dogs. It easily nipped into their skin, and throwing them off into different directions. The dogs guarded the crowd, growling at the beast. The larger dog bit the werewolf, distracting him from the humans, and took off into the forrest. The Werewolf chased after him. Liz changed, breathing heavy, bruised and bloody from the fight that occurred.

"Dad." She breathed, following the dark creatures. "ELIZABETH!" Fred cried, his twin pulling him to the ground. "NO! Fredrick, that is a death wish!" His brother snapped. "WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE HER!" "I'll go." Harry stated, taking off into the night. "Harry no!" Hermione screamed. "Snape, take them back to the castle!" He teacher spat, but pulled the remaining students along like sheep.

The large dog yelped in pain as he and the Werewolf continued to fight. Liz jumped back in, biting the creature's back. Harry watched as the werewolf, gained dominance over the two, so he threw a rock at the beast, trying to protect his family. The beast turned his attention to Harry, rage in his eyes, when a howl came from a distance. The werewolf froze, howling himself, before taking off towards the sound. Sirius turned back into himself. He held his daughter up, before they both stumbled down towards the lake.

Down by the lake, Liz clutched her father. "Daddy? Dad! Wake up!" Harry joined her. "Is he?" Harry asked, worried. Liz shook her head, looking down at her weak father. The air turned cold, as dementors flooded the area. "No! Get away!" Liz screamed, covering her father. Sirius gasped as they flew low, picking off Liz and Sirius like a last meal. Harry tried casing a patronus, only sending a small orb of light from his wand. Soon, the cloaked figures began feasting on the boy as well.

Sirius' soul floated from his body, memories and a life, skating across the sky, headed towards the dementor above him. A beautiful stag danced across the water, powerful enough to expel the dementors. Harry's breathing was ragged, as he tried to make out the person conjuring the stag, but couldn't make the person out. He laid his head down on the rocks, watching as the orb collided back into the prisoner's body.

Snape crept down to the lake, staring at the three, sprawled across the beach. Liz came too, shooting up before the professor could even touch her. She pointed her wand at the man, but Sirius stopped her. "Elizabeth, I need you to listen to me." His voice was ragged, but he held his daughter's hand. "You can't be seen with me right now. The dementors have already confirmed my whereabouts. The whole ministry is looking for me. I can't have you going to jail for me." "But, dad-" "No buts, Elizabeth. Get away from me. Now." He slipped a key into her palm, and turned towards Snape.

"You can have me, but don't take my girl." Tears swelled into the girls eyes. She felt like she was loosing her father all over again. "Professor, please. You saw what happened tonight.. There must be-" "There is nothing that I could do." Snape hissed, bounding the man in front of him. "You're just lucky I don't send you off with him." He began dragging her back to the school.

"I found them. It seems Black attacked his own daughter in rage. She was protecting Mr. Potter over here.. Amazing what the fool has done in one night." Snape lied, pulling Liz's and Harry's limp body through the hospital doors. "He must have Confunded her, along with these students." He pointed at the group, who all crowded the teacher, as he pushed the two onto beds. Before entering the castle, Snape casted a sleep charm on Liz, to make his lie more appealing.

"She must have slipped the veil, because without her, we all would of been attacked by Black. She saved us." Hermione added, jumping out of the bed she had been resting in. Fudge seemed amazed, looking at the bruises and scratches that littered Liz's body from the Werewolf. "I'm glad, to say the least. I dare say without her, none of you would even be alive. " Fudge added, looking fondly at Harry. George, Fred and Sarah sat beside Ron's bed, pretending to be concerned.

"But we must be going. I have a murder to attend to." "He didn't do it, sir! It was Peter Pettigrew!" Harry bellowed, waking up from his trance. Snape chuckled. "He must still be confused from tonight's attack." Fudge nodded, exiting the room along with Snape. "Albus, we need you." The Minister muttered, exiting the hospital wing. Dumbledore leaned up, patting Ron's ankle, causing him to moan in pain.

"Time is a powerful thing, and when meddled with, dangerous." "Sirius Black is at our top-most tower in the castle." He turned to Hermione. "You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you will do well, I feel, to return before this last chime. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life, may be spared." He started to leave, but corrected himself. "Three turns should do the trick." Finally, he made his way out. Before shutting the doors, he stated, "when in doubt, I find retracing my steps a wise way to begin." He looked at Liz, snapped his fingers and left.

Liz groaned and opened her eyes, as Hermione immediately pulled out a Time Turner.

Black {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now