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It's been two years since The Boy Who Lived was rescued by a giant and friend,

but still, there is a name to defend.

A fatherly man, framed for murder,

see what happens, as we press further.

I rolled off the bed, probably from being pushed.

I groaned hitting the cold floor. "Mornin- HELLO THERE." Fred said. I opened my eyes catching his gaze down at my short pajama bottoms. I flipped him off covering back up. George scooped me up, tossing me back onto my bed. "We need to get ready to go to Diagon Alley!" I bit his arm. "Ouch! Maybe, if you wouldn't be sneaking out so late all the time, you'd be a morning person for once." He grumbled rubbing his arm.

Staying at the Leaky Cauldron, is what I imagined to be a good, fair time, only seemed to be causing me more trouble. I stared out the windows for most nights, scared of what the future holds. With my father running wild it seems, through the streets, I was worried if I would have to face him, if he were to find me. I knew he was a good man, but that was 12 years ago.. Who knows what he is now..

I pushed myself off the bed, trying to clear the rumbling thoughts clouding my head, when I noticed Fred still hadn't spoken, and seemed a bit lost. "Oh, take a bloody picture." George said to his twin. I smiled as he snapped out of it. "Can I?" He asked cheekily. I blushed and bit his arm too. "Awh, our little tails is blushing." Fred smirked. I rolled my eyes at my childhood nickname.

"Oh, shut up you lot, I need to change." I said pushing them out. I ran into the the shower. Living with a large family, warm water is rare. After climbing out, I tossed on some jeans and a tee shirt. I used my metomorphmagus abilities to fix my hair to my pleasure.

I though about Fred's actions around me lately. He seems more timid. Within these past few years, he and George have grown more confident, and more attractive with age. I just couldn't help but seem drawn to him, with a deep feeling. I shrug this off, with my father breaking free, my emotions have been haywire. I'm probably just overthinking it like usual.

I packed my backpack and tugged it down the stairs.

Ron and Hermione were already arguing over something, like usual, when I noticed the dark hair, headed down the stairs. "Harry! When did you arrive?" I asked, throwing my arms around the boy. He definitely got taller, now looking me in the eyes. "Last night, there was a, incident. I caught the Knight Bus here." This finally gained the attention of the bickering teens, who stood and joined their friend.

"Again with the bloody article, Ronald?" George said, pointing out the clipping of their trip to Egypt, clutched tightly in his hand. Ron snatched it out of reach, and glared at his siblings. "It's not like everyone has seen it." He grumbled. "Oh like how you showed the maid," "The owner Tom." "and that poor French fellow over breakfast." the twins interjected.

"Oh leave Ronald alone. But, Harry. May I have a word with you?" Arthur asked, giving me a warily look. He pulled him off to the side. "I wonder what that is about?" George asked, once they were out of ear shot. "Probably about Sirius Black breaking out. You know he was there the night his parents were killed?" I tensed up. The the memories from that night flooded my head. I felt my blood turn cold.

"Elizabeth, come help me for a second!" Arthur called, and I was happy for a get away from that conversation. He smiled, but it faded once I got closer. "Elizabeth, promise me you wont go looking for your father." He said in a hushed tone. "Wh-what?" "I've known for awhile. And I know you haven't heard from him since he was sent off. But you have to promise me." I nodded. "I won't. I promise." I said, but only felt like I was lying. He hugged me tightly, and headed back over to his wife.

"Meet us at Zonk's at 1:30 got it?" Molly said before disappearing out the door, followed by Ginny and Arthur. "Keep the boys inline, Elizabeth!" Dad added. "HEY!" Said the twins. "Hey!" I smiled and dragged them into the entrance, then appeared in Diagon Alley. I turned to speak to the twins, when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see what I collided with, when I heard, "Is that daddy of yours having a darling time in Azkaban?" A snickering Lucius Malfoy spat.

"What do you want Malfoy!?" I hissed rising from the ground. "You should be in Azkaban with that mutt of a father." Draco added. I had heard enough, my hair was flaming red. I was about to pull out my wand, when I felt Fred pull me away, whispering "He's not worth it tails, calm down." I rolled my eyes, glaring at the racist family I left behind.

I headed off towards the small pet shop in town, not noticing the twins fall behind me.

I want to buy another owl, since Grace never came back from a hunt 2 weeks ago. I was looking around when I heard Fred and George running towards me, their laughter echoing. "What are you laughing at?" I questioned. "We-Haha- Pranked, Malfoy He-HE turn into a-a" Fred breathed as George finished for him "A big fat Weasel!" "Are you kidding?" I asked, thinking of how dashing Draco would be as a weasel for the rest of his days.

"It was perfect." The twins said wiping tears from their eyes. "Well, I've got to pick an owl." I said walking off. I couldn't get dad out of my head. The imagine of him confined to a small cage, probably going mad by now. I sigh. I doubt he even thinks of me anymore. It's been 12 years, and felt even longer. I wonder if he even knows what I look like? I sent letters, but I've never gotten a response..

As I gazed down the long else of toads, cats and rats, someone grabbed my hand. I turn to see Fred beaming down at me. "Without us?! I think not! Besides, the last one you picked, wasn't that bright." He said smiling. "We often had to scrape her from the windows, since she obviously had no sense of direction." George said, sticking his finger in a rats cage, only to yank it out moments later from being nipped. "Fine. If you must." I said, trying to clam my nerves.

Once we inside, George stopped us. "But Liz, I've been meaning to ask; What did Malfoy mean by your father's in Azkaban?" I swallowed hard. "Um, I'd really rather not talking about it." I replied, trying to avoid the question. "But why won't you tell us? We're your best mates!" Fred pressed. "I told you I'd rather not talk about it!" I snapped. They both seemed taken aback. I never loose my temper, but lately, my nerves are shot..

I sighed, pushing my way through the store. I was pretty worried about them finding out. What if they thought of me differently? I couldn't lose my family.. What if Molly and Arthur wanted me out of the house then? I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.. The twins followed behind me, leaving a little distance between us. I couldn't blame their curiosity. But frankly, I'm not ready for everyone to find out who I am.

Wondering around, a large owl swooped down and sat on my bony shoulder; it's long brown feathers tickling my neck. "Well, hello." I cooed as it nibbled on my finger lovingly. It curled it's head against my neck, almost petting me back. Fred stuck his finger out to the owl, which she bit and he retreated.

I smiled and petted her wing. "I like her already." I winked at Fred, who was sucking on his finger. I walked up to the counter and the lady gave me a weird look. "Mean one she is, 8 galleons please." "She seems to take favor in over me." I reached into my pockets, as a big beefy hand slapped the money on the counter.
"Hagrid, really?" I said turning around looking up at my giant friend.

"It's tha' least I can do for helpin' me this past year, Ye know, gettin' me a new job an' everythin'." He said, taking a side glance at Fred. I heard a loud chirp and a couple crashes, as George came running from a herd of owls. I smiled a little. "Looks like I'll have to get going. Thanks again, Hagrid." I said, running over to rescue George.

I swatted away a couple birds, and pulled him out of the shop. "I could of done that. Bloody birds" He replied cockily, straightening his ridiculous hair cut. "Yeah, whatever." I grumbled rolling my eyes. George walked up to us smirking. He also stuck his finger out to my new pet, which she glad glared and bit the other twin. I figured I'd call my owl Zelda, from a muggle video game I picked up over the summer.

"So are you going to tell us-" "Nice bird, Liz!" Percy yelled interrupting what was going to be a VERY awkward conversation. "Careful. It bites." Fred added and Percy was about to stick out his finger. I smiled at my boys, who gave me one back. I hope they will understand...

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