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After a few days of constantly cleaning with everyone helping, the house was finally in order.

Luckily, with everything organized, there was enough rooms to keep everyone comfortably. But, this was the last day of the Weasley's staying here. Of course, they offered to stay the whole summer, but I'm determined to make it on my own.

I ended up waking before everyone else, and rolled over to see Fred tucked in beside of me. Usually, Molly forbid for us to sleep in the same room together, which really, went for any male or female that stayed with us, but since I have "my own place", she seemed to give up on trying to stop us. I slowly snuck out of the bed onto the hardwood, and made my way downstairs.

It was pretty early in the morning, so I was surprised to see George awake. His long hair was matted and a mess. "Mornin, Georgie." I chirped, pouring myself a cup of tea. He nodded at me. "What are you doing up?" I asked, sitting across from him at the island. "Ronald's constant snoring. I swear, he would suck in the walls if you'd let him." I laughed lightly, meeting his cheeky gaze.

"I also noticed Fred's bed remained empty." I shrugged it off casually. "Yeah, he obviously slept in my bed." The twin shook his head at me. "Look at ya, all grown and sleeping with your husband." "He's not my husband, nor my boyfriend for that matter." I snapped, causing the boy to hold his hands up in defense.

"Blimey, who said I wasn't?" Fred chirped, scratching at his own hairstyle, and taking the seat beside me. I rolled my eyes. "Me, obviously. You can't assume that we are together as a couple." "Well how do we become a couple then?" "You simply ask, you bloke." I rolled my eyes playfully. "But you better do it in a romantic way, instead of asking me at the kitchen table." I added before the words could fall from his mouth.

He nodded. "Fair enough. Simply because you deserve it." "Deserve it? I don't do anything to deserve it." George and Fred both seemed taken aback by this. "Literally, you're perfect for the boy. You put up with out pranks, the family already adores you, you're top of our class, and you do our homework." George stated. "Plus, you're smokin hot." Fred added, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

I blushed and rolled my eyes again, slipping away from his grip. I got the sudden urge that I was going to be sick. I clutched the sink in front of me, spilling the rest of my tea down the drain. "Easy, Liz. Don't break anything." George joked, not looking up from the Prophet. But the smell from the tea, sent me over the edge, and I raced to the nearby bathroom, barely making it in time.

I wiped my mouth and slowly gathered myself. I had a cup of tea every morning, so I don't understand why it would make me sick. Thinking about the tea again made me nauseous. I took a deep breath and splashed some water on my face, and casually walked out of the bathroom, but the twins were both watching me closely.

"You alright? You're awfully pale." Fred asked softly, inching closer, but I waved him off. "I think I just putt to much cream in my tea, that's all." I lied to myself, which I honestly did feel a lot better now. But none the less, I headed back up the stairs. I decided to lay down and relax for a little, and remain lost in my own thoughts.

But I should have known better, as they started to eat me alive.

Why was I sick this morning? Was it really too much cream? Was it the stress of the move? Which I hadn't been eating lately, so maybe it was too rough on my stomach.

I huffed and slapped my sheets, flipping over. I felt his arms snake around my waist. "Hey love." He whispered, kissing my neck. Cold chills raced across my body, causing Fred to chuckle. "Quit, play nice." I hissed, knowing that someone else was bound to be awake at his point. "Oh really? Because that's not what you said-" "HUSH."

"Fredrick, keep your hands to yourself." Arthur hissed as he passed by in the hallway.

"Told you." I snapped, pushing him off the bed, and staring at him on the floor. He put his arms around his head comfortably, only making me want him more, with his cheeky smirk. I threw a pillow at him for good measure. "Go pack, Fredrick. You leave in a few hours."

"Only if you want me to, because I will stay." I sighed. " I already have one underage wizard to take care of, I don't need you wondering around too." I teased. He rose from the floor and smiled, leaning down to kiss me softly, as he sighed into the kiss.

"I'm sorry, I just can't get enough of you."

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