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Once the ginger, appeared at the scene, Dumbledore stood there, admiring the slashes. "Where is Liz?" The boy breathed, as his brother and friend appeared beside him. "Fred, what the hell has gotten into you?" His twin asked, grabbing his arm. "Liz got hurt. And I need to know why." "We believe her father has broken into the castle." Dumbledore said calmly. Fred stood in front of the Headmaster.

"Where is she now?" Fred asked, worry filling his expression. He knew he should of followed her back. Guilt hit him like a ton of bricks. "Madam Promfrey is taking care of her as we speak, there is no need to worry, Mr. Weasley." "Professor, you don't understand. She-" "Oh, no. I fully understand how you are feeling. But I can assure you, she is in good hands." "Fine, I will take myself down there." "The hospital wing is only for the injuried." Snape hissed, monotone. Fred looked at the worn portrait. He noticed a jagged piece of wood, sticking out in the far corner. He slammed his palm against it, earning a gasp from Sarah. "Well, looks as if I need to be admitted too, Professor." He hissed in pain. Dumbledore seemed almost entertained from his actions, but nodded and lead the boy down the hall.

George looked at Sarah. "That boy is a bloody idiot."


Fred's point of view

Madam Promfrey fixed my hand, without any pain killers I might add, I just stared at Liz. Her body curled in the small twin bed. I felt horrible I wasn't there. I knew she's been struggling with everything that has gone on... I remember when we were about 5, me and George climbed a huge tree in the yard, and we somehow convinced her to come up too, even though she hated heights. Once she got to the top, she couldn't even breathe and I felt so guilty. I'm starting to feel the same responsibility as I did, back then.

Madam Promfrey smacked my injured hand, causing me to hiss. "Next time you come in here with another idiotic injury, I wont be as nice." She said sternly. "But I can see you care about this young lady. Poor thing.. She's been through too much to be her age.." She watched Liz's steady breathing for a moment, and then headed to her office. A few minutes later, Sarah and George stumbled in.

"How ya doing you bloke?" George asked, clapping my back. "Will he make it?" George asked fake crying. "Keep it up, son. Soon you'll be in the bed beside him." Madam Promfrey warned, eyeing them from her office. "Yikes, tough crowd. Any-who, have you been able to talk to her yet?" He asked, nodding towards Liz. "No, she's been asleep the whole time. Promfrey said that she will probably be out of it for awhile. She knocked her head pretty nicely against her dresser." Sarah flinched. "Ouch. That probably hurt." "It did." Liz whined.

Liz's point of view

I walked around this house that seemed familiar... I had just entered the den when I saw this girl not much older then me, and a boy dancing around the den. They seemed to be in their own little world. Then they turned older within a blink of an eye. The girl, was now a woman, who seemed to be pregnant. Seconds later, she had a child in her arms.

I recognized this baby; it was me. The woman was my mother... All these memories seemed to haunt me. The one from Halloween... When me and my father were going to visit James, Lily and Harry. Arriving, the house was destroyed and Hagrid was taking Harry away.... When Lupin brought me to Dumbledore, and taking me to the Weasley's. The weight in my chest grew heavy again.

"I feel fine, honestly Madam Promfrey. I mean, minus my head, but all around I'm well." I said, trying to pull myself out of the bed. "Oh, NO. Please. Relax, at least for the sake of my nerves." She said trying to settle her back down. Dumbledore smiled and patted her arm. "You simply worry to much. I believe she is fine." Promfrey looked offended.

"She took a fall mere hours ago! I'm going to check her over again before even thinking about letting her get up and walk out of here!" I could see Fred smiling. I looked at the bandage wrapped over his hand. "What happened to you?" The nurse glared at the boy. "He simply had to see you, so he admitted himself. She turned her attention back to me. "Just take it easy the next few days. You might feel better, but you still have an nasty concussion. You may feel dizzy this week, so be careful. And one of you, stay with her at all times, just incase she collapses again." She pointed to the trio standing over me.

"So I have babysitters? Fantastic." I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious, missy. But I obviously can't keep you here.. So you can leave whenever you are ready."I slowly got out of bed, dizzier than I expected. What Promfrey claims, I became overwhelmed, and passed out from exhaustion. I figured this caused my father to worry for my safety, and had to get someone's attention, in the only way he could. I closed my eyes tightly, trying to regain focus. Fred grabbed onto my arm, holding me up steady. "Thank you, Freddie." I said smiling at my friend.

Promfrey shook her head, but couldn't help but smile at the two. She reminded herself to keep track of them, for her own, personal reasons.

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