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I started to nod off during Muggle studies, which caused Fred to keep poking me in the ribs. I slumped backwards this time, George barely catching me. Everyone snickered around me and I shook my head, trying to wake myself. I hadn't been sleeping well, or at all at night. I keep having the same nightmare over and over again. Someone in a yellow and black striped jersey, laying in the grass, unmoving. And a chilling laugh and screams echoed in my mind. I shook the taught off, and jumped as the bell ran, signaling lunch.

"Are you okay, Liz? You about broke your neck on my desk earlier!" George said, watching me wide eyed. I nodded rubbing my eyes. "I just haven't been sleeping well, and listening to Burbage ramble on and on just did me in. I'll be better once I eat." I mumbled leaning into Fred once we took our normal seats. I still haven't completely forgiven Fred, but he's definitely tried, and for right now, I want nothing to be cuddled up to him, which he didn't seem to mind as he slipped his arm around my body, kissing my head. Sarah and George grinned at the sight.

"Well, this is a pretty sight!" Sarah teased, watching us with a dreamy look. I blushed, and rolled my eyes, as Fred rubbed my stomach. "Thank Merlin for it. I was getting tired of him smelling like smoke and covering for all the cigarette butts in the yard." "The what?" I fired, slamming my hand on the table. "Thanks George." Fred hissed. I grabbed him by the robes and smelled his shirt, which of course reeked of cigarette smoke. "Oh hell no." I spat, taking the knife in my hand, pointing it to Lee. "Oi! Jordan! Give my man another pack of those death sticks, and you'll be the next ghost in the castle." I dug the butter knife into the wooden table, in front of the boy, which he nodded to in reply, removing the white stick from behind his ear, acting as if I didn't see it.

"And YOU." I turned my attention back to the redhead, who cheekily smiled at me. I smacked his arm, quickly wiping that away. "If I ever so happen to find anymore on you, or if I smell them on you, I'll cut your toes off." "Noted." He mumbled, handing me the pack of cancer. I threw them on the stone floor, just looking at them thinking 'incendio' which made the pack burst into a small flame, quickly put out by Mad-Eye's boot. He gave me a gruff look, but after the scene I just caused, he decided against it, and move on along the table.

"If I catch you doing the same, George, I swear." Sarah threatened to George who held his hands up. "I'm clean! I'm not that dense!" Fred slipped his arm back around me, and whispered "I couldn't help it. When I lost you, I was helpless. I needed a release and I thought it would help. I did for like 20 minutes. But I don't need them anymore. Even if I did look like I total bad ass." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his cheeks, kissing him lightly. "I love you, Fred. But you have to remember, we have to start thinking of our future and consequences. I would kill to protect these babies. That includes their father."

Fred kissed my cheek, setting his head on my shoulder, rubbing my stomach again, causing not only butterflies, but some steady movement. They were still pretty faint, so Fred has yet to feel the baby, or truly, babies, because there is no way I'm this big with one child. Which made me think of the night at the World Cup, which sent a shiver down my body. "Can we make one, George? I mean look how cute they are!" The twin stared down at his girlfriend, actual terror in his eyes, which caused Sarah to burst into laughter. "Oh boy, that was a good one!" I rolled my eyes again, feeling isolated. "It's not "cute". Sure it seems like fucking rainbows, I ache, all over. I'm scared every minute of the day that I'll screw up and hurt them. It's nothing to joke about, Sarah."

"Liz, I didn't mean it like that-" "Well, let's not joke about it again, okay?" I fired, moving my plate away from me, realizing I barely touched my lunch. "I'll see you guys later. I'm going to DADA." I slung my bag across my body, and headed out, but not to the classroom. I made my way down to the lake. For somewhat of alone time. I threw my bag in the grass, and sat beside a small tree. I felt bad for snapping at Sarah, but I didn't think it was funny. I didn't ever think I'd be pregnant at 16. But, here we are. I feel like a star of a muggle TV show.

"What happened to, "I'm going to class?" Fred asked, appearing in front of me. I flipped him off and he sat in front of me, holding my hands. "She's really upset she made a joke about it." He said softly. "Well she should be! Maybe she should get knocked up and walk around school and get looked at like a super freak! Because it's not like everyone thinks! I should of just stayed home this year." I muttered, looking back at the lake. "Hey, look at me." Fred said, turning my head, wiping an angry hot tear off my cheek. "I'm glad you're here. It shows how brave you really are. Besides, it gives our child an early education, which they are going to need if they are anything like me." I laughed lightly, staring at the boy in front of me.

His pale skin almost shined in the sun, his eyes my favorite shade of gold. I smiled at him, and kissed his lips again. "I hate you." "You just hate me because you know I'm right." I flipped him off again, making him laugh. "Come on, love. We seriously might be late, and I'd rather not deal with Moody's eye rolling around at me. I get enough eye rolls from you, tails." I rolled my eyes again in spite, and let him help me from the ground. "I'm so round. I feel like I could just roll around the halls." "I'd love to see you try." Fred smiled and held on to my hand tightly, pulling me into the castle.

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