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I sat on the roof, blowing out another cloud of smoke, trying to hold back a cough. I heard from Lee, these muggle 'cigarettes', do wonders for stress, after watching him plow through pack after pack during exams. But to me, it just burned my throat. But none the less, here I sit, late in the night, staring into the sky. I don't know what to say, nor do at this point, so sitting on the roof, chain smoking, seemed like the best option.

I jumped as the window opened behind me, I hid the white stick to my side, fearing it was mum, but I was relieved to see George squinting in the moonlight behind me. "What the hell are you doing out here?" He snapped, crawling out to beside me, as I took another 'drag', or whatever you should call it. His eyes widened to the sight, but he decided against it. Everyone has been avoiding me the past few days. Everyone has their different ideas on what I "should" be doing, and what I am doing, but truly, jokes on them, I don't even know what I'm doing.

"Remus said she's fine, mate. I think it's just sent a shock through everyone." My twin watched my closely, but I didn't meet hiss gaze as I sighed. "I know, George. I just don't know what to say. She thinks I abandoned her, but I was just shocked. And mad. Mad, because she didn't tell me. I understand it's definitely not a perfect situation, but I'm trying to figure it out." I choked back another cough, trying to seem unbothered. But I was broken and clueless. Liz always had everything figured out. Always had a plan. But this wasn't the plan. I just asked her to be my girlfriend, for crying out loud, and now she's pregnant.

George stifled a laugh beside me. I shot him a look, waiting for is insult about the coughing, but it never came. He just shook his head, pulling the cigarette from my fingers, placing it in his own mouth. "Fred, I support you in anything you do, and I understand it is ALOT to take in. It has been for all of us, but YOU, have to fix this." He blew a stream right in my face, as I stared at him. "What do you think I've been doing?! I've-" "Not much mate, besides sneaking out here every night, acting like a somber ass, smoking a bloody cigarette- which are awful, I might add-" He put it out, and flicked it off the roof. I went to reply, but his glare stopped me.

"Like it or not, you're a father, Fred- Christ, that is terrifying to admit- but, act like one. Strut over there, and get your woman back!" I scoffed. "Like you know what you're saying. Sarah's not pregnant, or is she?" I shot, earning a smack on the back of the head. I winced, glaring at my brother. "Get your head out of the gutter, mate! It's not my fault YOU TWO decided against contraception! Or the lack of your 'pull out' game." "Who's head is in the gutter now?" Another blow to the head. "Listen, if you are not at LEAST, planning on going to talk to her, then I'll drag you there myself. Act like a man. Put on your big boy trousers, and own up to your mistake. Before it's too late."

He patted my shoulder and crawled back into our bedroom. I thought about everything he said, and lit up another cigarette. I stared at the red ash between my fingers, and thought about Liz, and our child. Or children, she says. Twins. I smiled to myself. We were 16, and completely stupid. But I knew one thing. I loved that bloody girl. And yes, we rushed it, and we were stupid, and we may regret the time, but honestly, I don't regret the feeling I get when I think about Liz holding a newborn baby. Our baby. It really sunk in. We were going to have a kid. I wonder what their hair color will be? Ginger like me? Or black like her? What about their eyes? Emerald jewels like Liz, or dirt like mine?

I gasped as the forgotten lit cigarette pressed against my leg. I dropped it in my daze. I finished putting it out, and turned, climbing into the house, flicking on the light. George groaned, flipping around to face me. I threw a few random clothing items into a bag, causing George to fully sit up. "Mate, seriously, you've got to stop running away from this." He said sternly, fearing the worst. I whipped around and launched a shirt at him. "No you bloke! I'm not running away. I'm running towards them. To her. I'm going to fix it. I'm going to make it right."

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