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I swallowed hard and stared at the test in front of me. Positive. Mom touched my shoulder, "We will make it work." I threw the pages to the foot of my bed. "I'm so sorry. I-I should of been more careful this is a mistake-" "This is simply not a mistake. It is just a surprise, that's all." I rubbed my face, trying to come to reality of it all. I'm pregnant. "How am I going to tell Fred? Oh hell, how am I going to tell my dad?!" I yelped. Mom squeezed my shoulder. "We will handle this, one day at a time. Together." I sighed, flopping back into the pillow, tugging on the cords attached to my arm and side.

After about a dozen tests, after they found out I was pregnant, which answered a lot of questions for the doctors, I am early pre-eclampsic, which results in high blood pressure, and some other damages to my organs, which lead to my stomach issues, which was amplified by morning sickness. So after a few feeding tubes, and calcium pills, I'm feeling some better. Because of my age, weight, and this being my first pregnancy, the disease came in full effect. They also stated, it is more common in mothers with two or more babies, which is also concerning. What's even worse, the father is a twin, so my chances of two or more babies, is tripled.

"I'm surprised you're not more mad at me, Mom." I said, wiping a few tears away. She laughed lightly. "I've been itching for a grandchild ever since Ginny started schooling. I have missed having a little one to look after. Given, I thought Charlie or one of the older ones would provide first, but I will take what I can get." She kissed my head, and grabbed the papers, flicking through them. I heard a soft knock on the door, followed by a group of gingers, a blonde and the trio. I shot them a quick fake smile, as they shuffled in.

"How are you feeling, Elizabeth?" Arthur was the first to ask, handing me a bouquet of flowers. "I'm okay. I'm embarrassed. I'm so sorry I caused so much trouble, really." I spoke, my voice shaky. I felt ashamed. I should have known, and taken care myself. Getting pregnant is one thing, getting this sick is another. "It is no trouble if it makes you better, Liz." Hermione stated, coming over to grab my hand. I squeezed her warm hand, and smiled at her. If she only knew the trouble I brewed...

"Can I talk to mom and dad? Alone?" I asked, causing some confusion in the room. "Why can't I stay?" Fred asked, looking a little shocked. "Cause, I especially don't want you to know right now." I snapped, immediately feeling bad for my out burst. Fred hung his head, and let his twin guide him out, as harry quietly shut the door. Dad sat on the bed, and patted my leg.

"So, what is the word?" He asked, smiling brightly. I took the papers out of Mom's hands, and placed them in his lap. He slipped on his glasses, and began scanning the pages, then jumped off the bed, throwing the pages in the air! "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I flinched, readying myself for the scold of a life time. "WAHOO!" He screamed, jumping into the air, smiling wider than before. "Arthur, calm down!' Molly said, smiling widely at her husband. "I'm going to be a grandpapy! Oh truly, Elizabeth, this came as a shock! Ill count it as an early Christmas gift! AND an early birthday!!!! If, you don't mind me asking, who is the father." I blushed, looking down.

"Fredrick." Mom said with pride. "That's my boy!" He praised, kissing my head. "I can not wait to scream this from the rooftops! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He yelled as he danced around the room. "Careful, Arthur, they might admit you too. And Fred doesn't know yet.." Mom said, grabbing his arms and his attention. "Well, I shall go get him then!" "NO." I finally spoke. "I'm not ready for him to know... Not yet.." I claimed. "I-I don't even know if he wants kids.. Or me for that matter." I mumbled, fiddling with the cords wrapped around my forearm.

"Oh don't be silly! That boy has been smitten about you since day one! He even told me at four years old that you'd be his bride when he's "big and tall", and you've seen him! He has surpassed that and then some!" I shook my head. "I will find a time, on my own time. So for now, PLEASE, don't tell anyone." My parents looked at each other, and he sighed.

"Fine, you have my word."

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