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I stood there dumbfounded. Sirius Black really did escape. He really was Liz's father. Before I could even reply, I was shot back with a shooting pain in my eye. I winced and lifted myself up, sitting and staring at a fuming father, shaking his fist out. "Sirius! You really didn't need to hit the boy!" Professor Lupin said, dragging me by the ankles into the house, slamming the door behind me. The man smiled, only receiving a glare from the other. "What are you going to do? Send me to Azkaban? Been there, done that. I escaped once, and I'd do it again." He smirked proudly, strutting his way into the kitchen, returning back with a bag of frozen peas. I could definitely see where Liz got her sass from..

It took me a moment to realize that he was holding them out towards me. "Go on, boy. Take it, before it becomes my next weapon." "Sirius!" Lupin barked again. The dark haired man threw his hands up in defense, but smiled wickedly at me once Lupin turned his back. I hissed once the bag touched my already swollen eye. A flash of black at the top of the stairs, but once I turned to focus on it, there was nothing there. The woman in the room held out a hand for me to shake, but pulled my up once my hand touched hers. "Nymphadora Tonks. But you will call me Tonks." I nodded and smiled at her thankfully.

I followed the small crowd, worried to go snooping around the house looking for Liz, no matter how much I wanted too. Especially with the tapestry of Liz's grandmother screaming about every hour. Liz's father and Lupin were deep into a conversation, and Tonks seemed bored. "I don't think he should be allowed to see her." "That is her choice! Not yours!" I overheard their not-so hushed whispers. Tonks rolled her eyes and ventured out of the room, but I knew better than to follow, hearing a scream of "Weird half-blooded freak" come from the living room, followed by a buzzing noise, toning the screaming down to a muffled mumble. I smirked trying to peer through the crack of the door, when Lupin grabbed me tightly by the arm.

"Sit. We have things we need to discuss." I sighed. "I'd love too. But only with Liz present, that way I don't have to repeat myself twice." "Well, we don't always get what we want, now do we?" Sirius spat, sipping from a old mug with "#1 Dad" painted on the side. Lupin shot his friend another glare. "Now, Fred, I was wondering, what are your-" Before he could finish, a loud growl admitted from the entry way. I turned to see an angry Liz, in dog form. Even with her eyes daggers and her teeth snarling, I was glad she was safe. I moved the bag of peas from my face to set on the table and her expression softened.

"Elizabeth Lily Black! I told you to stay in my bedroom!" The dog rolled it's eyes and transformed back into the slender girl I loved. "Why? So you can stay down here and put the beat down on him?" I smiled thankfully, until her fist collided with my lip. "I probably deserved that." I mumbled, spitting up some blood that burned my throat. "Probably? You definitely deserved that. And then some." She barked, being held back by Tonks, who was trying to hide back her smile. "Liz, please just listen to me." I spoke softly, earning a scoff. "Oh I sure did a lot of listening. To the burrow door slamming as you walked out on me!" She fired instantly, feeling like a bullet in my chest.

"Yeah, about that.." I started, staring at my now bloodied hands, trying to collect all the words I rehearsed on the way here. "You really think you can waltz in here and expect me to forgive you?" Another hole added to my now hallow chest. "I gave you everything, Fred. I've been your best friend for years, and yet, something doesn't go according to plan, and you lose it. How do you think I feel? Do you think I planned this? Do you think I want to be sixteen and pregnant? No, I don't! But I'll manage without you."

I squeezed my eyes closed, trying to dissolve my tears. I've fucked up a lot in my life time, and I always fixed it. Always. I always managed to squeeze my way around, brushing things off my shoulder. But standing in this dimly lit kitchen, I think my soul broke. Liz has been in my life longer than I can remember. I always planned on her being my future, but I never imagined I wasn't a part of hers.


My whole body shook. I really don't think I meant what I said, but there was no going back now. I swallowed by pride, yanking my arms out of my human cuffs, and waltzed out of the room. The closer I got to the stairs, the more I wanted to turn around, run in his arms. No. I told myself, holding my head higher. He doesn't care. You were the flavor of the week. My breath hitched. But why was he here? Alone? How did he get here? Did anyone know he was here? I slammed the door to my bedroom before my face was dripping in tears.

"What did I just do?" I whimpered to the dead air, clutching my stomach tightly. Something deep in my gut twitched, knowing I made the wrong decision. I didn't know who I was without Fred. He was my future. He was my everything. "But you are nothing to him." I replied to myself, only feeling more broken. He was apart of me, from now on. No matter how many babies I have, half are mine and half are his. Him and I. I threw my head into my hands in defeat. My body hurt. My head hurt. But nothing can amount of hurt my chest felt as I dry-heaved, trying to stop my sobs.

Black {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now