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Truthfully, I was dreading going back to school.

Mum made me eat meals made for an army, and I feel as if I gained 20 pounds, just over holiday. I huffed and continued to drag my trunk down the stairs, trying to hold my balance as well. Father came behind me and scooped my trunk from me. He gave me a swift kiss on my cheek, and set it beside the others by the door. 

I sighed and walked around the table, stopping to wrap my arms around Bill's neck. He held my arms with one hand, the other still shoving food into his mouth. "How you feeling, Pipsqueak?" he muttered his chewing. "Sad to leave... I don't want to go back." "You'll miss it once you're gone. Trust me, there's nothing like being in the walls of Hogwart's Castle." I kissed his cheek, and took my seat a few down from his. As soon as I sat on the cushion, Mum was already rushing over, filling my plate. Internally, I groaned, but smiled at her. I was sick of being pampered. Remind me to not get pregnant again for a LONG time.

Ron strolled down the stairs in nothing but his underwear and I wanted to gag. "Ronald! Go put some clothing on! No one wants to see that this early!" Ginny hissed, coming down the stairs. Mum huffed at her youngest son, and popped him in the bottom with her hand towel. "That's for not taking your clean clothes to your room when I asked. Just because I created that cute bottom, doesn't mean I want to see it this early in the morning." Ron blushed and cursed under his breath, grabbing his clothes basket, nearly dodging another pop of Mum's rag. 

"You better run, boy!" Fred called, while George wolf whistled. Fred strolled over and gave me a proper kiss on the lips, earning a grin from Bill. "I always knew you'd get together one day, it's just abnormal to see it sometimes." "Well, if you came home more, you'd see a lot of it." I fired back over my fork, earning a smile and wink from Mum. Bill stuck his tongue out at me, and Fred wrapped his arm around my back, and began his morning feast. Dad came down the stairs, already looking in a mood, and I knew better than to get in his way. Harry followed closely behind, looking tense also. Dad took a seat beside me, and I shot him a look. "Do you have to go back? I don't think I'm ready for you to go." "Until the twins are born, yes." 

This only seemed to sour his mood, as he angrily stabbed an egg off my plate.

I pushed my half eaten plate towards him, and slowly stood, stretching my back out. I walked by Ginny, stopping to play with her unruly hair, which was unusual for her, since Harry was around. I quickly brushed through the knots with my fingers, and tightly braided her dark ginger hair. She gave a smile, mouth full of thick pancakes, and I made my way to the living room. I clutched my head, feeling as if someone was trying to penetrate my memories. I took a seat on the floor, only focusing on blocking this person out, I didn't hear Ron call my name when he came down the stairs.

Images of deep, dark water encircled my mind. I felt like I was submerged around water; the weightless feeling, but also the terrifying feeling of not being able to breathe. My chest began to burn, and I tried swimming to the surface. Looking up, there seemed to be sunlight, but looking down, there was something wrapped around my leg. There was also something moving in the darkness under me. Wait? Was I in the Black Lake, and are those merpeople?

I gasped for air, but my arms were held tightly. I looked at my hands, where the small embers were dissolving. Dad slowly released his grip from my arms, his hand prints still etched across my arms from holding so tight. "You were trying to claw your head off. This was the only way we could stop you." Fred looked at me concerned but I caught Harry's glance instead.

"I think I know where the second task will be held."


I'm surprised I was able to board the train, after this mornings occurrence. Fred stood close beside me, but he didn't even seemed pleased. He was the one who convinced everyone that he wouldn't let me out of his sight. I'm also surprised my father didn't make him Unbreakable Vow to his word. I thought this year was going to be different, but it seems I can't run from my past. I huffed and took a seat on the bench in our usual compartment. The whole room was tense. George was awkwardly staring at his feet, Sarah was twirling her hair around her fingers, and Fred was whistling. 

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