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I made sure to take an extra dose of calming draught before descending the stairs.

It didn't seem to help.

Today was the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. The Common Room, the Great Hall, Hell, the whole entire school is buzzing with excitement. Harry and I were just ready for it to be over with. I dressed warm, doting a Gryffindor colored toboggan that Mum made, wrapped in a hand-me-down coat from Bill, and the warmest pants I could find, considering this task was placed at the end of November.

I smiled down at the twins and Sarah who waited for me at the couch we usually stayed perched on. Fred was the first up, like always, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. "Did you sleep okay, Tails? Have the babies been practicing their quidditch moves?" I nodded rubbing the swell of my stomach. "Yes, they will definitely take after their father and uncle; beaters for sure." That comment earned a proud smile from George.

"Let's get a move on, we need to get a good spot for breakfast. I think everyone is up early for the first task." Sarah said, holding onto George's arm tightly. Even she looked nervous.

I told her about the dragon task, and she was the only one that had the same reaction I did. I was also going to tell Harry, but Ron beat me to it, through an intense game of owl, claiming "Dean told Parvati and she told Ron that Hagrid needed to see him." Even I was confused, but none the less, Harry is somewhat prepared for the task at hand.

As we walked into the Great Hall, the room was tense. With excitement and nerves from the four champions. I stopped behind Harry, setting my hand in his shoulder, startling him. I gave him a sheepish smile, which he was quick to return. "You're going to do great, Harry. James is living for this, right now." I leaned down and pecked his cheek, seeing a camera flash.

"Ooooooo. Scandalous." A shrill voice echoed across the hall. I rolled my eyes, meeting Rita Skeeter's eyes across the table behind Hermione. "And yet, I thought Mr. Diggory had takers." "He's my God Brother. Don't make this awkward." I spat, standing back to my full height, making her eyes cast down to my stomach, earning a sparkle in her eye, making me uncomfortable.

"You must be Elizabeth. I've heard quite a lot about you, Ms. Black." I really didn't like the way my last name rolled across her tongue. "Likewise, Skeeter. The notorious lair" I fired back, earning a high pitched giggle from her. "Liar? I merely write what the reader wants to hear!" I rolled my eyes again, earning a smirk from her.

"I'd love to get to know you, Elizabeth. Please, take my card and let me know when you're available for an interview." I looked at the purple business card, lighting it on fire. Rita shrieked, dropping the lit card into Harry's goblet, which he stared distastefully at. Skeeter stared at her recoiled hand, and wiped the shocked look off her face. "Now tell me, did you do that?" "I have no idea what you're talking about, Rita."

I squeezed Harry's shoulder once more before strutting away to my own section on table. "Stupid Bitch" I mumbled to myself, making Fred spit into his own glass, choking, but laughing. George slapped his brother on the back, as I filled my plate with breakfast.

"But seriously, Liz, did you light her card on fire? Because truly, that was rich! She wasn't expecting that!" Sarah asked over her buttered toast. "I was just thinking there was no way in bloody hell that I would give that witch an interview after those articles that she wrote about my dad, even Harry's was enough to make Dumbledore cringe. And before I knew it, poof. I'm just sorry it fell in Harry's pumpkin juice."

"You are the most powerful witch I have ever met, so I'm not surprised. If I didn't love you, I'd be scared of you." Ginny said, smiling over her own juice. "Awh, Gin. That's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! But truly, you'll going to better than I'll ever be. I've trained you well, little one." I squeezed her hand over the table, earning a small blush from the smallest Weasley.

Black {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now