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"Control it!" Snape's chilling voice echoed around the room. I grunted and gripped the green orb tighter in my fist, the orb becoming darker. "Good, now. Focus the energy into the decoy." As soon as the words left his tongue, I flicked my arms forward, sending the dummy in Snape's office backwards. I straightened, my back cracking uncomfortably. This was my third lesson with Snape, and I was becoming discouraged and tired. I flopped down and wiped sweat from my forehead, closing my eyes. "We have made decent progress. I believe before the year ends, you should be in full control of your abilities." I nodded.

Frankly, I just wanted rid of them. I didn't want this burden. This "ability" was a true curse. Now, here I am, almost 4 months pregnant with twins, trying to figure out what I've hidden from myself for all these years. "Professor? I have a question." I asked suddenly, bringing the pale man's face around to face me. "With these powers, my mother passed them down to me, does this mean that I will pass them down to my children?" His eyes flickered down to my plump stomach in my hand, before catching my eyes. "It's questionable. The Emerald ability is complex, and considering you bare two, the power could essentially be split, resulting in the offspring only obtaining a portion each, or one child could possess the full power." "What if they both possess the full power?" I pressed, and watched a glint roll across his eye.

"I highly doubt both could possess the ability. This power is extremely rare." I swallowed hard. He was lying. Considering how strong these powers have become during my pregnancy, only makes me believe that something is brewing within them. A firm knock interrupted our conversation, and the professor flicked his wand and peeled the door open, revealing Fred, looking out of place. "I summoned Mr. Weasley to collect you. We are finished here." I nodded, really wanting to roll my eyes, and slowly rose to my feet. Fred gave me a small smile, taking the small of my back. He knows how uncomfortable I am. I feel like I could burst at any moment, the skin across my stomach rough and tight. Pregnancy seemed so fun at first, but it's weighing on me. Not to mention the amount of school work that seems to keep piling up.

I sighed and flopped down on the common room couch, and closed my eyes. "I'm assuming it's been a rough night?" Fred mumbled, rubbing my leg softly. I sighed again as a reply. I rubbed my belly, almost calming myself. Fred laid his hand on top of mine. I opened my eyes and caught his gaze, then it really hit me, how much I loved this boy, and how selfish I have been acting lately. I really have been a whiney bitch, honestly. I should be proud of myself and these babies. Yes, I ache. Yes, I'm exhausted. Yes, most days I don't want to get out of bed to feel the burning of everyone's eyes watching me closely. But, I'm alive. And I'm going to be a mother of two crazy twins.

I smiled at the handsome boy, who moved my legs gently, sitting into the leather, casually picking at the loose strings in my sock. "I love you, Freddie." I whispered, grabbing his arm softly. This snapped his attention back to my face, which he grinned happily at. "I love you too, baby." I blinked at him, smiling proudly. His face fell slightly, wiping my cheek softly. "Love, why do you look like you're about to cry? Are you in pain? Can I get you-" "No, Fred. I'm fine" I laughed softly, sniffling slightly. He closed his mouth, still looking at me carefully. "I just love you. And I'm proud of you?"

He grimaced. "What? You're proud of me? What did I do for you to be proud of? Usually you're mad at me for some prank I've pulled on you." I rolled my eyes, folding my fingers against his. "I'm just proud to have you. I'm glad you still want me after the way I have acted lately." I said, peppering his hand with kisses. The redheaded boy still stared at me dumbfounded. "What are you getting at?" He asked, rubbing my belly softly. I laughed softly, feeling a little lighter. "I've been an uptight bitch. I've complained about everything lately, been moody, and pushed everyone away, especially you, since all these feelings and emotions are few to me. And it scares me that in a few months our lives are going to drastically change. We're going to have two infants to take care of. We need to enjoy our time together, before we have to practically give up our lives to tiny humans like slaves."

"Well that's a subtle way to describe our children." Fred laughed softly. But I could tell he truly soaked in my words. He looked down at my slender fingers intertwined between his, and smiled. "Did you imagine we'd be this way?" "Well, I figured we'd be a little older and more mature, but I guess young and stupid is acceptable." He glared at me, but smile widely. "I'm serious. I'm so lucky. I have a beautiful, smart, charming woman carrying my son and daughter. I'm scared shitless and clueless, but where's the fun in a plan?" I giggled, sitting up to kiss the boy on the lips tenderly. "You're going to be an amazing father, Fred. A total push over, but a fantastic father." The boy blushed slightly, running his hand over my stomach again.

"Woah, what was that?" He asked paling slightly. "What are you talking about?" "That movement! Why did your stomach move?! Are you hungry? Or is it gas? Is this normal, or should I go get someone so we can go get checked-" "Fred, are you serious right now?! They are just moving! See, feel." I grabbed his hand, and placed his hand where I felt a strong kick. A few second later, Fred recoiled his hand, looking more terrified. "There is no way that is normal!" He shrieked, holding his arms tightly, causing me to laugh loudly, making the babies obviously happy. "They obviously like laugher, I've never felt them move this much." I claimed, holding the sides of my stomach.

Slowly, Fred replaced his hand, moving it slightly. "So there's really like, real humans in there?" He whispered, amazed. "No, their house elves. Truly, it took you long enough to figure it out." I teased, but Fred's reaction made me squeal with laughter. "Oh my god. Do it again! They are wiggling!" Fred said, moving his hand across my stomach. I'm assuming my laughter wasn't satisfactory to him, so he reached down and tickled my feet, causing me to scream, yanking my legs away, laughing louder. "That's not fair! My feet are off limits!" "Come on, Liz! They like it." He teased, knowing how ticklish my feet actually were. I switched positions so my back now leaned against his chest, allowing him to fully elope me in his arms, feeling both the twins practically thrash around.

"We are literally parents to two kids." "Two unborn kids." I corrected, snuggling into his warm sweater. The heat that radiated off this boy, almost soothed my aches I decided to ignore from now on. I felt him smiling wide against my hair, unable to take his eyes away from my stomach. "They don't move all the time, you know. They like to sleep a lot." "They sound like their mum." He teased, kissing my temple, causing me to grin. "Well, they get excited when I laugh, so I think they are going to be like their father." Fred never looked more proud. He looked completed.

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