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I woke to the sound of feet pounding on the stairs. I knew it had to be Ron, considering he walks harder than a dinosaur. "Oh, blimey, sorry Liz." He muttered, slipping behind the fireplace into the kitchen. Mom of course had breakfast all laid out, waiting for all her children to surround the table. I, on the other hand, burrowed deeper into my feather fortress, memories of the hours before, filled my head. Not only the dark mark, but the fact that I saw the person I love, and possibly the father of my unborn child, laying lifeless in front me.

I shook the cold feeling that swelled across my skin. No. I told myself. You're not pregnant, and Fred is not going to die anytime soon. But that word stuck out. Pregnant. Has there ever been a student at Hogwarts? I never heard any word of anyone. Was that even allowed? But the complex of the word just felt right. Something stirred inside of me, almost like butterflies. I pushed the feeling away. No one was sure, and I doubt Fred would even be okay with having a child no less.

Before I could dwell deeper into my issues, the blanket was ripped from the top of me. I squinted against the light, focusing on the blonde in front of me. "How did you end up here?" Sarah asked, chewing on a piece of bacon she held in her free hand. "Walking. Your snoring got on my nerves last night." I teased, ripping my covers back around my shivering body. George wandered up to Sarah, kissing her cheek lightly. "Morning, Sarah." He chirped quietly. I wagged my eyebrows at her, which she shrugged at. "He asked me to be his girlfriend this summer. Through a letter no less." She whispered once he was out of ear shot. "Better than nothing I guess." "Yeah, definitely know what you mean by that." I sighed.

"Wait, you two still aren't official?" She hissed, almost choking. I pulled her down on the couch beside me. "Hush now, and no. He's never bloody asked! And I've been too embarrassed to say anything!" Sarah rolled her eyes at me, and almost on cue, Fred came trudging down the stairs, messing with his long tangled mane. He grinned once he found me and Sarah, staring at him from the couch. "Morning, love." He smiled, running a hand through my long black hair, tangling some of his stray flamed colored strands against mine.

I smiled, and leaned my head against his palm. He gave me a puzzled look. "You feel a bit warm. Mom!" He called, placing the back on his palm, causing me to roll my eyes. "Yes, Fred? Oh mercy, leave the poor child alone, I know she's ill." She swatted his hand away, handing me a glass of water. "Why didn't you tell me?" Fred asked, dropping to his knees, becoming eye level. "Well, it wasn't worth it." I mumbled, sipping from the glass.

"Well, we MUST get you better before the World Cup! I will be you personal servant for the next few days! And your doctor, if you'd like." He teased, running his hand up my spine. "Hands to yourself, boy." She warned, swatting him on the arse with a fly swat. Fred kissed my forehead, before running off into the kitchen to meet his twin.

"I might just vomit." Sarah teased, causing me to gag. "Oh please, don't talk about it." I breathed. But it was too late, I took off for the bathroom. I locked the door just in time, giving me the needed privacy. I was so over this illness, or whatever it is. I cleaned myself up, and shakily rose to my feet. As I expected, as soon as I pulled open the door, Fred stood there, looking at me carefully. "Come on, let me take you to bed. A real bed."

"I'm fine, I can handle myself." I stated, holding onto the door frame. "No, she can't. She's been sick like this for weeks now. She's barely eaten because of it." Harry claimed as he strolled into the kitchen. Molly almost threw the spoon that rested in her hand. "Elizabeth! That would of been good to know!" "Thanks, Harry." I spat. "I'm taking you to St. Mungos." Mom said, throwing on her over coat. "No, Mom. You can handle it. It's fine." I stated, feeling embarrassed. "No, Elizabeth, not this extreme. Come with me."

Before any more protests, she took my hand, and we snapped off, landing into a clean, white waiting room. I felt wheezy, and held onto Mom tightly, as she drug me to the front desk. She tapped on the glass quickly, grabbing the attention of almost everyone. "Hello dear, my daughter is severely sick. She has some stomach issues, and has barely eaten in two weeks. The nurse looked at me warily and then two other nurses appeared with a bed, asking me to sit on it.

After helping me onto the hard mattress, the began wheeling me away. "Mom!" I called out, panicking. "I'm coming, dear!" She said, racing after the bed, shoving the paperwork into her coat pocket. She grabbed my hand once we settled in a room. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth, I didn't know what else to do. But, I know you will be in the best of care here." Mom tried to soothe as the nurses started pumping my body with an IV drip. "Mom, we need to ask them to test me." I finally spoke, making the staff pause. Mom gave me a stern look. "Are you sure?" She asked.

"No, mom. But I want to be sure if I'm pregnant or not."

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